my friend has 2 15" SD2.5's getting about 800rms each
i was looking on DD's site for enclosure info and say that 1 15" sub can work with 3.25ft^3 and 52sq inches of port. For his subs could he make a box thats 6.5ft^3 and 108sq inches of port 16 inches long. Would that work well with the subs and the power hes giving them? Also is the 6.5ft^3 before sub and vent displacment?
right now he has a box that is 8.6ft^3 and 7.3ft^3 after vent and sub displacment. he has 108 sq inches of port that is 16 inches long. we were listening to them this afternoon and it sounded horrible. it didnt hit any of the lows and it sounded like the port might not have been big enough becuase i could hear airflow through the vent. also his 2 15's arent louder then my 2 12"sd2.5's....
anyone plz help with box calculations...also could it be the amp thats making ths subs sound bad cuz it is a lanzar amp.
so u think its just the box he has them in now...cuz its close to the same size. also could it be the amp thats making them sound bad? and on ur friends can u hear any of the airflow or turbulance on the box?
i was planning on it but i gotta find alotta time cuz the subs are wired individualy for 2ohm for his amp and for my amp we would have to re wire all of it to a 1ohm load. is there any minor adjustments we can make to his box to make it better? like increasing port area or something like that?
Also, how far is the back away from the hatch or back door. You need about a good 6 inches away. And it sounds like he has a suv with a 8.6cuft box. did he do subs up port back.
well this box is in a F-250 full size cab. its just sitting on the seat taking up the whole thing. there is one sub mounted facing up. one suib mounted facing left. the vent is facing up and its about 6 inches away from the roof
"one sub mounted facing up. one suib mounted facing left"
I really think thats a bad idea. depending how close they are. On the next box, mount both subs facing up and port to the side or up as well. and do the port right. For every cuft x 16 or 15. That'll give you the amount of sqin you need.
he wanted them both up but they wouldnt fit so he put one on the side and one on the top. for the next box i think we r putting subs up and vent side. is it 15-16sq inches per cf befor displacment.
honestly i think you need to let um break in a bit. 4.5 tuned to 36 per woofer will do excellent...give it about 60-70in^2 per woofer if not maybe a pair of 12s would do better... something like a pair of 3512s with 4KW?
hes keeping these cuz hes low on fundage at the moment. now is has a lanzar VIBE286 but do you think it would be worth it for him to buy a Hifonics BXi 1206D?
the only thing he is really willing to do is make a new box. I think were're going to make a new box that is 8.3ft^3 (about as big as he can make it). he will have subs up and vent side. there will be 130sq inches of port 16" long
He needs a new box. E-mail me the dimensions I have to work with and I will design him a box. Just as information the 15's will work in as little as 3 cubes net per sub. They will get quite loud and sound good at 36-40 hz