this is the first time i've really heard my btl's hit really low. it has its ups and downs though.
with my previous box, songs like da blow hit awesome while young jeezy seemed to lack something. with this new box, young jeezy hits awesome while some of liljon's songs don't hit as hard as it used to.
when playing rap (especially young jeezy) the lows are awesome. it shakes everything in your car and your body. feels like my stomach is turning inside out and my eyes vibrate while my chest feels like it is being pressed down hard by a heavy person. not to mention my throat seems like its closing up. lol.
when playing rock music its another story. it still sounds awesome but i like the boomy and punchy bass when i listen to rock. some rock songs are awesome with low bass while some don't sound right seems like. kinda hard to explain but like i said i like more of a punchy bass when listening to rock.