ok i just got a pair of 6x9 for free from my bro cuz he lost his car cuz it went to crap and he bought the speakers and never installed them. well i have a ? there are 4 speakers in the rear deck and teh 4 inch are for sound and teh 6x9 or 6x8's are for bass , so all sound on the one and teh other is all bass, and i took teh little 4inch speakers out and there all cracked up and blown. i took out the other ones and there cracked to but what im trying ot get to is i want the 6x9 to have a regular bass and sound and if i hook it up to the wires from teh 4inch speakers they sound liek crap, and when i hook em up to the other wire from the 6x9's they are all bass i dont want that i want it like most cars have to just be normal, and i dont know if theres a way u can do that. so if you guys can tell me a way that would be very helpfull thanx. is it posible to take the neg wire from 4'' speaker and take a pos from teh 6x9 would that work or is there a way of hookinfg them all together?
well it sound slike they are either blown or ur missing a x-over...if it was me, i'd get rid of them all and just get a good pair of components for upfront and take out the rear speakers.
yea but like when all my friends ride together i want some sound in th eback and not just bangin bass on there back slol. but no the speakes arent blown they sound brand new on a friends cavalier cuz i put one of em in a box and hooked it up to his wre for his speaker and bam it sounded just like i want in my car, but like i said there 8 wires total in the rear. what is a x-over? the main reason i want the rear speakers in is cuz i always have ppl in th eback.. but if there is anyway to hook them p possible to get the sound an dbass tat would be nice. my dad when he had a gp he installed soem walmart spekers teh pioneers , and somehow he got em to work. he dont reber hwo he told me
well if rob is sayin mid and high sounds yes i want them to do that cuz al they play is bass whn i hook them to the wire thatthe other ones were on.. wear would i find a x-over and what exactly is is?
A crossover will split the low or mid frequencies from the high.This is usually used in a Midbass/tweeter component system.The reason for a crossover is to avoid distortion through the speakers.Tweeters weren't made to put out any kind of bass so they need a cross over to send only higher frequencies to them.
ok now i undrstand that. hwo do i knwo there is eve on ein my car? cuz yea i have 2 twets in my panel by liek wear the miror bolts on and dor speakers and then the 4 set in teh rear. bu i just wana knw how i can make the speakers just sound regular ?
You can make your new speakers by removing the crossover that's current spliting your frequencies.I'm not sure where it is on your vehicle,it's possibly run off the HU(Head Unit) that way and if that's the case you'd have to get yourself a new HU to eliminate the crossover if you don't have the feature to shut it off.What kind of HU do you have installed?
ok i have a alpine 9856 hu.. but yea what do u mean i can make them operate at ful range by removing the crossover thats currently splitting you frequencies? if i dont have teh stock hu then what?
Well you have a crossover installed in your vehicle somewhere.I'm not familiar with your vehicle so I can't so for sure.But for you to have 4 speakers in the rear deck and highs coming from one set and mids coming from another you have to have a crossover installed somewhere in the vehicle.
well i seriousl dont think i do but i will check around, it might be under teh seat in the rear i aint sure, cuz my dad has a 2000 bonnieville ssei and his is right in teh middel of teh 6x9 in the trunk, but his is teh same way the rear are bass and then he has the mids on the rear doors, but yea ill check but i seriously doubt there is one. if there is what do i do? disaconect it all and take it out? but now that i think of it on teh back of teh hu there ar eteh speaker wir conetrs green, purple, white, and gray for teh speakers and thats 4 and i have 8 in my car so you must be riht there has to be one. but i dont want my tweeters to be dissconected if i have to disconect it.
Well Michael,if you're going to install subs in that vehicle you shouldn't even worry about the rear speakers.I'd actually disconnect them all together and only worry about my front stage.The reason for this is the subs will drown out the sound from the rear speakers and cause odd sound imaging.If you can't find that crossover your best and simplest way to solve the problem is to run new wires from your head unit to the rear speakers that you wish to use.
well i kindaof understand what you mean how the subs will like drown the sound out , but even if there good will it do that? mostly teh reason for me wanting them is so there i atleast sound in the back for my friends who sit in back, because i knwo how it sounds to not have anysoudn and just bas in teh back i dont really liek it.im gonna go look for that crossover in a few mins, but yea if i cant find it ill just run wires from teh 6x9 to the hu. i knwo it wil work liek that.
In a vehicle with a smaller cabin you won't really be able to appreciate the output of your speakers when you have a sub blasting away.If you must keep your rear speakers(rear fill) I'd just leave it the way as is with the old stock speakers and put the subs in.
ok i looked rob couldnt find any crossover. but i know there has to be one, cuz theres 8 soeakers and they have it so when u hook up a hu there is only 2 pairs fo wires 2 for back and 2 for front, but 8 speakers lol .. well i took my HU out to hook it up liek u said run a new wire to ure head unit wel i have no speaker wire that long rihg tnow so i had to tak eit out and i hoked it up and walla it sounds good so i gess ill just have to buy some speaker wire .. thanx for givin info thoguh. i still wish i knew wear that crossover
jeez i just noticed i need to slow down when im typing i screw all my words up . but yea i still cant find it , hmm i was wondering about just taking out the rear speakers like u said and when u sit in th eback on ure left and right there is panels and i was thinking maybe to just put tweeters in them . would that sound crappy or anyhting?
The bass will most likely drown out the sound of the tweeter and or midbass.That's why most people say not to use real fill.Personally,I do use rear fill but I have a very large cabin so the bass doesn't totally over-power my rear speakers.I have a crossover on the stock rear speakers and it dials out any bass to prevent distortion and sounds a lot better than it would without the crossover.If you really want to find that crossover,trail the wires from the head unit inch by inch,you WILL find it for sure that way.
yea thanx for teh help. do u think if i went on soem kindof pontiac site cuz there is a site called gtp world and they talk abot gt and gtp's allot, and do u htink if i ask them they would know?