i wantd to know how do you connect the fuse to the power wire under da hooD? I also wantd to know whats the best way to run my power wire thru the car to the engine and how to get the wire to the engine and last how do you connect the turn on wire to the hu ? and i forgot how do bolt the ground wire.
Ground Wire - bolt to vechicale chasis look for metal connected to the car's chassis
the remote wire the hu will have a blu wire comming out of it it should say remote it goes there with the other blue wires
run it thru the panels on the side were ur door is you mite have to drill thru the fire wall hopefully y can find another way with out doin that just look for away thru if u cant find away u can go thru the door to the hood but it looks crappy the fuse the wire u just ran thru ur car gets split in half or we u wanna put the fuse u cut it and place the fuse there id recommend some place u can get to it maybe were ur amp is located
then u just hook up the wire wit the fuse on it to the red cable goin to ur bat and boom ur done i didnt do a good job explainin but i hope this halps