hey i just got my wiring and amp and sub all together. i'm ready to install. i'm having a little problem finding a place to run my power wire through to the back of my car. i have a '96 toyota camry. the trim on the side by the bottom of the doors don't have any screws visable and i'm worried that i'm gonna have some problems trying to run the cable through the floor. any suggestions or tips on how i can run the cables easily and quick?
no quick easy way to do it. running power line is work. you need to find out how that trim comes up, and find a gromet in the firewall to go through there, too. Go from th battery, through the firewall, inside the kick panel (WATCH the pedals if you're on the driver's side. use wire ties to keep cable runs out of the way) and either along the center section, or one side uner the carpet just inside the plastic trim. From there, you'll go under the back seats, and into the trunk. Usually this involves a good portion of disassembly of the interior of a vehicle to do it properly.
Yeah now that i bought my 1 gauge kit, im not sh!ting you it took me 2 hours just to find somewhere to run the power wire, btw im getting my xx colossus today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Camry's suck. i found a grommet on the firewall, but there's like plastic or rubber covering the whole inside the car. i have to take out the glove box to get to the point to where i can even see the whole. and i've realized that the carpet in the car is very stiff and i was wondering if it's still okay to run the wiring through there even though the carpet won't give much at all.
alright. well i've got my RCA ran to the back along with my remote wire. i'm still having trouble with my power cable though. i found a grommet, took out the plug and there's still something covering the hole. i can't get a drill on either side because there's an engine on one and the factory alarm/airbag system is on the other side. not quite sure what to do. that's the only thing keeping me from getting this stuff done.
run through the door jam, you can make it semi descreet. run out of the way of the hinges.otherwise find anywhere you can get through the firewall there is always more than one way through a firewall especally with a good drill.