Should I trade


Gold Member
Username: 420alldaylong

Post Number: 1188
Registered: Sep-06
Sundown SAZ1500D for a RE MT 15"

Gold Member
Username: Ctmike


Post Number: 3714
Registered: Feb-06
depends on condition of it but if you can power it properly i would cause didn't you only spend $100 or so on the sundown?

Gold Member
Username: 420alldaylong

Post Number: 1190
Registered: Sep-06
$150 for the amp

And the Amp and Sub are in great shape.

Gold Member
Username: Matt12490

California USA

Post Number: 2065
Registered: May-05
It really depends on what you need or want. I think the Sundown has a higher resale value if that matters any. Are you looking to get some SPL system? If so, then it would be a pretty fair trade. I think the Sundown is worth more and would rather have it though.

I do not understand why you are asking us though. You are the only one who knows what you want.

Silver Member
Username: Jkidder

Spring hill, Florida Usa

Post Number: 403
Registered: Nov-05
i agree with ^^^ sundown is beter for resale. plus the money u could get from the sundown could buy a nicer sub than a MT. feel me. keep the sundown tho they r beasts.

Silver Member
Username: Imalik

SD2.5, New Jersey Ocean

Post Number: 194
Registered: May-06
Keep the amp... Did he ever post a pic of the amp??
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