Starting from the top Logan>Hooked them up to the HU for a few minutes, and yes they do hit nicely...makes my rear view mirror shake, but I was told that can burn up the HU because of the difference in OHMS, plus unless I am playing just bass, the highs comesthrough them too, and that sounds crappy.
Chad>If I thought you were serious, I would say yes, lend me an amp
Logan>no wife doesnt know
Jones Palmer>Cheapest amp is 200 watt VR3 at walmart for $50, but 1>I am broke 2>I would doubt it puts out even 50 watts 3>I had one of those amps once, and it kept overheating
Paul>As far as her going shopping and finding it....nope, she doesn't even have a drivers license, so I do all the driving and most of the shopping