what do you consider loud? There are many out there that can be loud but it depends on how they sound being loud. I'd look into Rainbow, CDT, and DLS which all can sound good playing loud. Also install can help allow speakers to play "loud" also.
well yea i want it to sound good loud..but i want to know which ones are the loudest out of the the sql comps..or are they around the same loudness just each has its own distinct sound?
i wasn't talking to you like a newb i was just trying to see where you wanted to focus your needs on cause you left it a very broad question. But when comparing Infinity and CV to CDT, Rainbow and DLS, well there is a difference between those for sure.
u kno wut i just want some really loud, good sounding components and to sound very harsh if u know wut i mean..that their tweeter is kinda harsh like u kno tsss tsss tssss...i kno most of u dont like that i kno most of u like it softer.......but i love my music like that....i heard the perfect 6.1s are like that or are there others?
well the perfects i never heard them actually but i think theyr good enough for me so wut will it be some mb quartz or perfects? i heard boston acoustics also have that harsh sounding high sound