MTX subs


New member
Username: Sa1nt

Post Number: 1
Registered: Nov-06
i currently have two 12" kicker L7's in a super bass probox powered by a kicker KX1200.1 amp wired at 2 ohms...

im lookin at getting three 10" MTX subs (5500 series)
im wondering if anyone has a similar setup with MTX, and if they are good reliable subs that hit hard, and the right amp to get to power the subs (preferable an mtx amp)

Gold Member
Username: Extrmndor3


Post Number: 4090
Registered: Feb-06
the kicker will be louder

New member
Username: Sa1nt

Post Number: 3
Registered: Nov-06
they will be louder by like maybe a db or two but wouldnt the mtx sound clearer and better?

Gold Member
Username: Lbeckner

Tulsa, Ok Usa

Post Number: 1451
Registered: Oct-04
The 12's would probably be louder, but I like the sound MTX subs more than kicker.

Platinum Member
Username: Chaunb3400

Huntsville, Alabama U.S.

Post Number: 11728
Registered: Jul-05
"they will be louder by like maybe a db or two"

All depends on install

and yes the mtx will have better sq.....

but why mtx??

New member
Username: Sa1nt

Post Number: 4
Registered: Nov-06
because ive heard em and they sound great and i havent heard many negative things about them

Platinum Member
Username: Chaunb3400

Huntsville, Alabama U.S.

Post Number: 11730
Registered: Jul-05
how many negatives do u wanna

Gold Member
Username: Lbeckner

Tulsa, Ok Usa

Post Number: 1453
Registered: Oct-04
Come on Chauncey, there isn't TOO many negative things except the fact that you can get a better sub for alot less $$$$.

Silver Member
Username: Trey4sports

Post Number: 654
Registered: Sep-06
do yourself a favor and check out much better build quality and better sounding subs than MTX

New member
Username: Sa1nt

Post Number: 6
Registered: Nov-06
those look like subs that just need alot of power, thats one reason why im tryin to get away from kickers cause they require so much power, while the mtx's sound good on not so much power

Bronze Member
Username: Paogr


Post Number: 84
Registered: Dec-05
I'd say get a 15" FI Q. It will be perfect with your amp.

If you want mtx and nothing else, get 2 8515, it will be nice setup...

Platinum Member
Username: Chaunb3400

Huntsville, Alabama U.S.

Post Number: 11738
Registered: Jul-05
"those look like subs that just need alot of power"

Rule number 3 in car audio..Looks mean nothing...

Those FI subs are super efficient..

New member
Username: Sa1nt

Post Number: 7
Registered: Nov-06
ok well if i decide to go with the three mtx's then what amp should i get?

Bronze Member
Username: Paogr


Post Number: 88
Registered: Dec-05
Don't you already have an amp?!?!?

The kicker KX1200.1 tha t you have, is a very good amp.

Gold Member
Username: Redliner

Wilmington, Ma

Post Number: 3673
Registered: Jun-05
mtx's arent to bad there failure rate is not very high like a lot of other subs but ill b honest there not worth it unless your getting the 7500's or the 8500's even the 9500's arent worth it. and i own the 7500's and will tell you right now there good but not that good theres so much better out there so look into some other brands b4 you buy. trust me.

oh yes and do it right the first time or you'll just regret it like the rest of us cause its just a waste of money

Gold Member
Username: Nyyfan13


Post Number: 4289
Registered: Jul-06
what are the first 2 rules chauncey?

Silver Member
Username: Loc_out

Santa Ana, Ca Resonant Eng...

Post Number: 724
Registered: Feb-05
I want to know what's the 1st rule?????

i'll take a wild guess (Don't Buy SONY)I hope i'm right.

New member
Username: Sa1nt

Post Number: 8
Registered: Nov-06
haha definitely should be up there some where, aight well what other kind of subs besides mtx or fi? and ill probable sell my amp with the subs
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