OT- Pitbulls.....vs. Govt.


Gold Member
Username: Johnfiac

IL Afghanistan,...

Post Number: 1778
Registered: Mar-06
I havnt heard anything about it for a while but is the govt. still trying to outlaw pits?

Silver Member
Username: Pitbullguy

Chicago, Illinois I Eats Beats...

Post Number: 979
Registered: Oct-06
lol i could talk for hours on this thread. I don't follow too closely because we haven't run into this problem where i live. Last I heard I think they were going to, or trying to, ban them in San Fransisco.

Anyway it's a buncha bullsh!t. The owners make em' vicious towards people, not their genetics. Going back 100's of years when they were unfortunately bred for aggresion towards other animals so they could be fought in pits (hence the name pit bull), they had to work so closely with their owners that they were NEVER bred if they showed any signs of aggression towards people.

Now for the people who say "well if pit bulls are so innocent why are THEY the breed that always ends up in the news hurting people". Look, i feel for anyone whose life has been negatively impacted by a dog or pit bull attack, it's tragic and sad. But their is undeniable, overwhelming proof that pit bulls are no more dangerous than any other breed as long as they are properly treated and socialized.

Unfortunately they AREN'T often times. Dog fighters, drug dealers, gang bangers, and most commonly, just plain irresponsible owners CHOOSE to get a pit bull because they have the physical tools to fight, guard or intimidate. If you take a pit bull, or a golden retreiver, or a dalmation, or a frickin shih tzu for that matter and you chain em' up outside 24/7, give em' just enough food to survive, and no love/attention/affection/socialization, OF COURSE they are going to be aggressive towards people.

Obviously this is an issue i have REALLY strong feelings about, i went on a bit of a rant there. If you'd like to learn more these are some good links where ppl took more time to make their thoughts nice and clear.




Platinum Member
Username: Bestmankind

KINETIKLos Angeles, CA

Post Number: 11046
Registered: Oct-05
^^^^^^i had a feeling you were going to post in here.

Silver Member
Username: Pitbullguy

Chicago, Illinois I Eats Beats...

Post Number: 980
Registered: Oct-06
you're psychic. You're like the all-seein-korean

Platinum Member
Username: Bestmankind

KINETIKLos Angeles, CA

Post Number: 11048
Registered: Oct-05

Gold Member
Username: Adddisorder

West palm, Florida

Post Number: 3678
Registered: Jan-06
they are such nice dogs

Silver Member
Username: Pitbullguy

Chicago, Illinois I Eats Beats...

Post Number: 982
Registered: Oct-06
yeah they are :-) This is one of my dogs Bogart aka Bogey, he's a 2 year old pit bull, asleep on the floor.Upload

Silver Member
Username: Trey4sports

Post Number: 642
Registered: Sep-06
im with u pit-bull my dad raises them and its been in the family for years. we have two for house pets and there as nice as can be

Gold Member
Username: Cenus

Hicksville, Ohio

Post Number: 2954
Registered: Jan-05
pits are ok, but i don't like them cause they can turn on you in a second, i know a guy who used to have a pit and it was the nicest dog ever, then one day the dog attacked the guy, latched on to his arm the guy had to kill the dog to get him off, now idk if the guy pissed the dog off or what happened so it might of been the guys fault, but when u have to kill the dog to get it off thats where it crosses the line. plus i like german shepards and dobermans better.

Silver Member
Username: Pitbullguy

Chicago, Illinois I Eats Beats...

Post Number: 984
Registered: Oct-06
That's unfortunate, tragic, and sad. But with all due respect saying that "they can turn on you in a second" is no more or less true about pit bulls than any other breed. Like I said there is evidence to prove it. Many tests and studies like the one summarized below have been done, and the results are conclusive. It could be some fault in the way the dog was raised or cared for, i wouldn't know. Or i could just be a fluke.

Pit bull attacks are heard about the most because of the bad wrap they've gotten, and because they DO have the tools to do alot more damage than other dogs, should they attack. There is no breed that has never showed aggression towards, bitten or attacked a human.

"MYTH: All Pit Bulls are mean and vicious.

It is reported on temperament tests conducted by the American Temperament Test Society that Pit Bulls had a passing rate of 82% or better -- compared to only 77% of the general dog population.

These temperament tests consist of putting a dog through a series of unexpected situations, some involving strangers.

Any signs of unprovoked aggression or panic in these situations result in failure of the test. The achievement of Pit Bulls in this study disproves that they are inherently aggressive to people. (Please visit ATTS.org)"

Gold Member
Username: Johnfiac

IL Afghanistan,...

Post Number: 1782
Registered: Mar-06
Dustin, a thing i noticed with pits is that they ALL test there owner from what i have seen (these were all males thought) and what i mean bgy that is that they bite there owner only about 1 time in its life just to see how the owner reacts, and when it bites you, you gotta let it know your not scared.. you punch the dog and it lays down and it will never attack you again. I havnt got to that point with my pup yet thankfully... but everyone i kno that had a pit since it was a pup all been attacked once, nothing serious but still gettin bite OUT OF NOWHERE like the dog just went crazy. Pitt would you agree with me on that, althought i still think lots of pitts wont do that, but most the males ive seen have, and they are some loyal @ss dogs. When i first got my pup he wouldnt even walk out the door to go outside without me, he wont run from me and always stays by me with no leash outside...i say come on he comes... ect... and this was within the first week or 2 i got him.. now imagine it...

Another thing i like about pitts.... my 7month puppy can kill your 3yo. full grown dog if it came down to it :-) hes a fu<king beast and i dont think he feels pain for some reason..

Silver Member
Username: Pitbullguy

Chicago, Illinois I Eats Beats...

Post Number: 987
Registered: Oct-06
With all do respect that sounds pretty ridiculous to me Killa. I mean i'm not sure do you mean like a REAL bite? Or just when they're still adolescent they kinda teeth you?? I've known dozens of pit bulls and pit bull owners, and have never heard of that happening. Not a single REAL BITE in any of these cases. Naturally ANY breed dog from newborn through their adolescent stages they naturally wanna chew on you playfully like they do to other dogs. And with pits since they're so strong and have big teeth and jaws they can sometimes cross the line a little un-intentionally.

Also if you're talking about REAL bites then that sounds really strange to me because pit bulls are known for not stopping once they start. Their best qualities become their worst when they do rarely attack people. They're tenacious, brave, persistent, unphased and yes notorious for being able to overcome extreme pain.

My pit is 2 years old and he STILL will chew on me sometimes when we play rough and wrestle and stuff but when he does i stop immediately and say NO! with autority, not only does he stop but he fu<kin bows to his master lol. He'll start licking my hand real gentle and looking at me with the guiltiest eyes you've ever seen. And that doesn't just apply for me. The friggin cable guy was playing with him a couple weeks ago...first time my dog had ever met the guy, AND the guy was on his territory, and yet Bogey played nice with him and when he got rough i just said to the guy "tell him no" and he respected the cable guy just like he respected me. That's what properly socialized and trained pit bulls are all like.

Let me say again, i don't mean to disrespect or insult you Killa, it sounds to me like you're on the right track to being a responsible pit bull owner. Just socialize your dog as much as you can safely while he is still young, with other dogs if possible but even more importantly with people. you want him to be friendly with all people for his own happiness and safety, if he bites someone someday, you'd probly have to put him to sleep :-( Also keep in mind, just because he isn't territorial or aggressive DOES NOT mean he won't be a good guard dog. Pit bulls are exceptionally smart dogs despite popular belief and they can tell when the sh!t hits the fan and they need to protect you, i know from experience.

p.s. out of curiosity how big is your pit?

Silver Member
Username: Blazerboy

15 $$D... Wangin? ...T...

Post Number: 414
Registered: Jun-06
^^^He doesn't sound like he knows what hes talking about...


Silver Member
Username: Pitbullguy

Chicago, Illinois I Eats Beats...

Post Number: 995
Registered: Oct-06
hehe you crack me up blaze, your sony explodes vid with late night tip is the funniest thing in the history of mankind :-)

seriously though, i don't wanna sound like a know-it-all but it's something i'm very passionate about :-) and it's refreshing to be able to share some knowledge on this forum since i'm sucha car audio newblet

Gold Member
Username: Extrmndor3


Post Number: 4073
Registered: Feb-06
i rather get a shar pei or a roottweiler

Silver Member
Username: Pitbullguy

Chicago, Illinois I Eats Beats...

Post Number: 996
Registered: Oct-06
also great breeds^^^ i love ALL dogs

Gold Member
Username: Adddisorder

West palm, Florida

Post Number: 3697
Registered: Jan-06
BASICALLY all dogs are friendly as long as your raise them that way iv got a dobby and a german shepard and they are the nicest dogs

Gold Member
Username: 54danny54

KY More Wang Th...

Post Number: 3648
Registered: Nov-04
lol my sister has a mini cocker spaniel she got for christmas.
its a nice dog for the most part and its like 4 months old i belive. its got lots of energy and loves attention.
lol hes still teething and ive got scratches on my arms from it lol.

my oldest sisters friend has a pit bull. its truthfully one of the nicest dogs i have seen. i walked into the guys house the first time, it came over and sniffed and licked me and i petted it... it started wagging its tail. plus that pit is so well trained, he had a 4 year old son that would playfully fight with it and all the pit would go is growel at it and lick him.
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