So I went to the mall tonight with my my gf and baby girl.. We get out and start walking in when some guy in a F-150 was showing off his system to some other guys.. idk if they were friends or not. I walked by then turned around to hand him a card to come to the local comps to see if he wanted to compete and glanced at what he had bumping in there..
Don't get me wrong it was decently loud. He had 1 10" Kicker L7 in a probox stacked on top of another box for 2 12" CVRs. All this powered by two pioneer 800watt amps. So hes bumping away and I'm like heh.. wanna hear something louder?
He really did not think I had anything louder but we went to my car and I let a rip.. 50hz burp really quick then run through some 40-80hz sine sweeps. He was covering his ears because it was too loud . One of the other guys said when he got closer to the door he felt his hair moving. The funny thing is his hair was like a buzz cut.. .. but I'm pretty sure I can swing a small hair trick.
So he got out and everyone he was with was like damn.. we never heard anything that loud and let alone coming from a 4door car...
And to end the story.. the applause was the numerous car alarms going off in the parking garage lmao