I need a new amp for my eclipse sw7200 aluminum 12 inch sub and price is a concern. Im currently powering it with a 500 rms@ 2ohm profile ap1000m amp that probably really giving it 400 watts. the sub is rated at 500 to 1000 max so im underpowering it. and the amp is making popping sounds when it hits at higher vloumes, and i think its the amp being too weak clipping.
I need amp and the MA AUDIO M1900XE does 1000 watts rms at 2 ohms. so even if its overrated im still gonna get 800-900 watts from it right? I can get the MA amp for 125 shipped. Is that enough to power the sub i have decently?
well i think MAs are rated at 17v and there overrated pretty bad.....why dont you save some money and do it right the first time around....or look for some used gear if u dont mind..i got a alpine v-12 mdr-m605 for sale if ur interested.....600rms @2ohms i would stay away from MA tho maybe look into hiphonics for some decent budget amps.......
"and the amp is making popping sounds when it hits at higher vloumes" u might wanna check ur gains too....u could be damaging the sub if u keep playing it like that....
ok thanks. Ive been readin old posts on MA audio and there are mixed reviews. Some say they rate them at 17v while some say that not right and they rate them at 14v. I was looking at a hifonics, a older model brutus that does 900 watt at 2ohm. maybe ill just get that. thanks