jsut wanted to point out how much i like this forum, you guys are awesome to chill with, and ROE is fuccing stupid. anytime you mention a product that is not extremely upper echelon you get flamed, and i hate that damn place. HOLLA if you think ecoustics is the sh!t
Something new here just about every night. The good members certainly out number the bad and ecoustics as a whole, has the best combination of ppl from young to old. I've said it before, where else can a 14 year old learn something valuable from a 50 year old, and visa versa? EVERYONE has something to contribute. Just don't be an azz.
But HOLLLA to Ecoustics and it's memebers. If it wasn't for this forum, i'de probly be stock.
The true question is, how much more has this site made you spend on new car audio stuff? IM going to have to go with liek the $500-ish range, AKA everything!