hi i recently got new subs and a new amp. I got a memphis PDR.1000 and two 12" audiobahn AW1206's... now after I play my system for like 10 mins. or so I get a really funny electrical like smell in my car... anyone know what it is
probably the subs blowing.. i mean i know they say that they will take 1100 RMS power.. but thats audiobahn power.. in reall life two should handle 1000 good watts of power but then again i have a friend that blew two immortals ont he same amp you have.. soo..
but damn i just got the things three days ago because I had two other ones that blew after just a month... is there anything I could be doing wrong to make them blow
Yes, I think it may be your wiring. First, check the ground, make sure it's good. What size wire did you use for power and ground connections? 4awg, 2awg? If it's too small, your wire may be burning! I doubt it's the subs because it'll take you a long time to smell that out of the box, especially if it was sealed. Let us know if you have anymore questions.
Ok well the box is vented and I think I have 2awg wire but it may be 4awg wire... how could I check, does it say on the wire? I also have 12awg speaker wire... could it be that?
even 4awg should be ok. Are you sure it's at least 4awg though? Like really sure? Sniff everywhere in your car and see where it's coming from. Don't think it's the speaker wire. BTW, the subs are in the trunk and have no direct air connection to the cabin, right? But yeah, check for source of the smell.
oleg... not neccicarily on the subs... I have 2 10" Pioneer IMMP subs rated at 250RMS in a sealed box, i give them about 800-1300rms after about 2-3 minutes with 1300rms i smell the VC's with a really strong smell.. turn it down it goes away, i know its the subs for sure too..
That smell is your voice coil over-heating but it could be something else as well like the tinsel leads but who knows it could be a few things,the one thing that I know is that smell isn't good.You should only hear and see your audio electronics working not smell it.
New subs...It is your Voice Coils heating up...take it EZ on them for a week or two giving them more power day by day, Once you break them in you should be Ok.