I've misread a few diagrams and comes out my subs have been wired in series-parallel the whole time. To do parallel-parallel setup I have to connect + and - from amp to one of sub coils, then connect that to the 2nd coil and 2nd coil would in turn connect to a coil of SUB #2. The big question is: how do i interconnect the subs if the subs are in separate disconnected chambers??
Just tie all your positives together and all of your negatives together and imagine it like a Y.The bottom of the Y wil be where it connects to the amp for both the negative and positive.
Don't worry about connecting the wires from sub to sub.Just connect the wires outside the box as long as it's positive and positive together and negative and negative you'll be fine.
So positives from one channel to positives of subs, negatives of the other channel to negatives of subs. Then parallel the coils. Am I getting that right?
You're making it far more difficult than it is lol.If you're using a mono-block amplifier then just connect all of the positives together and all of the negatives together,it doesn't matter where you connect them just connect them together and then connect the connected wires to the amp.