I want to get a 4 ch. amp instead of a 5 ch. to save some cash. I've got four 50 W RMS speakers and one 10" 250 W RMS sub. I would like to bridge the speakers and sub so I won't have to purchase a 4 ch. amp.
i believe u made a mistake in ure post...read it over...anyways...give me the ohmage of the amp in stereo and bridge mode and also the ohmage of the speakers and sub and i'll help u out
Yeah, Justin, you made a mistake in the post. You meant you don't want to get a 5 ch. amp, right? You cannot bridge speakers together, you can only bridge the amp's channels together. You won't be able to run 4 speakers and a sub off a 4 ch amp. You'll need either a 5/6 ch amp or a 4 ch and a mono amp. The latter's better by a wide margin.
^^^^actually Oleg....he can use 2 8ohm speakers per channel to come down to a 4 ohm load if each channel plays at 4ohm u know.....so dat will be...2 speakers on channel 1....2 speakers on channel 2.....and bridge channels 3+4 to play the bass sub
^^^well 8ohm speakers may not be common in the states where u live eh...but in trinidad...they are rather popular...u see...most people down here run down brands such as eminence,18sound,ciare,rcf,b&c,beyma,etc....for mids....all are 8ohm speakers...
^^^i know i know...those brands are not "car audio" brands but instead dey are dj brands...but what can i say...they are the brands of choice down here