alright i made a box the day before yesterday wich was 14x13x28 port: 12.5x1 @ 36 hz.. i put it in my car and the subs had an echo or something so i thought the box might be to small to be ported or it might be what they call port noise... so i made one this morning wich was 14.4x15.5x30 port:13x2 @ 37 hz...i put it in my car and it did the same thing...i also noticed that my speaker sound like they are distorting at ever bass note but even when i don't have it turned up.. i have 2 sets or RCAs running to an amp and they all do the same so i doubt it can just be my RCA cables...(they all run threw an eq except for my subs).... so i put my subs and amp in my other car just to make sure it wasn't my amp and it worked great in there...what can it be?? my HU?