hey wen u build your boxes do u use a jigsaw or wat type of saw u use to cut the circles?
and wen u cut your sides wat kind of saw u used for it?
i built a few boxes before but i use a skill saw for sides and a jigsaw for the cutouts, but my sides i gotta sand down sometimes cause they stick out a lil,
lol. I use a jig for the circles. A skill for the front, back, top, bottom, and table for the sides and port walls. But it just depends on how big they are. The bigger ones i cut with a skill saw, but I lay a strait edge on the board to push the saw against so it will be perfectly strait
sounds like what i did exept the way i did it was a mess. i did most at school then brought it home and used anything i could find to hold a straight egde down then tryed to use a cordless skill saw with batteries dieing, then assembling it then today i glued it and theres glue EVERYWHERE. well i guess ill be able to tell my box apart from others