Would 1 12w3v3 be ok on a 500/1. I know for the regular w3 it recomended to get 2 w3's. Also is the sound quality better on the new ones. I am looking at these b/c the w6 is too expensive
^^^^ im with mark i wouldnt go jl unless you are going pure SQ, then they arent half bad. what budget do u have for a sub? thats a pretty solid amp so you have more options than JL.
It really depends what your looking for clarence. What type of music do you listen to ?
If you like tight clean accurate bass then go with the 12w6v2 in a sealed box at 1.25net with a bit of polyfill inside the box. It will get loud for most off a 500/1.
If you want somthing louder and you listen to alot of rap and reggae and music with more authority etc... then you may want to consider going ported and perhaps saving alot of money and getting a Alpine Type R or somthing similar.
Alot of guys here will probably tell you to go with a Type R if you plan to go ported and want it loud with solid SQ.
Mark Potts... How good can a single Type R 12 do in a ported box with the ID/flared ports like the ones you build. Can it have great SQ while being one of the loudest aswell or is that to much to ask ?
The amp whould be a JL 500/1 in this case.
I whould imagine the vehicle whould have alot to do with your answer along with the amp.
Let me know anyways what we are looking at in a sedan and a SUV situation.
"Mark Potts... How good can a single Type R 12 do in a ported box with the ID/flared ports like the ones you build. Can it have great SQ while being one of the loudest aswell or is that to much to ask ? "
It would work nicely. The R sounds pretty good when properly setup... I'd say its in the top 75% as far as SQ goes, but its tough to get it there because its a very picky woofer.
I prefer the fat low end over the w6's very punchy sound, and the majority do...but its either one way or the other... and the w6 will definitely get you more respect with an SQ judge.
SPL scores are very vehicle dependant, its tough to be so general... but as a rough estimate most single R 12's in my boxes with 800 watts will be doing a 140-144 at the headrest. I don't believe I've tested one that was below a 140 @ the head yet.
"Whould you suggest i use my 12w6v2 or go with a Type R. Which whould yield better results with your boxes ?
Both seem to do well sealed or ported."
If you have the w6v2 now, I wouldnt swap it out for a type R... no reason to spend more $ for a marginal difference in spl, and a drop in quality. The w6v2 would work very well.
Remember these arent stale designs, they are sub and vehicle specific
I definitely remember your box, you ended up selling it on ebay correct?
Yes sir For the record, TCAB boxes have great resale value.
Had no problem selling it on ebay with the SX 15.
You even made a false floor for me which worked out great. Thanks again.
I whould be interested to do business with you again for a ported design for my 12w6v2. Somthing that will get plenty loud and sound amazing with dance and rap and rock. SQL style. Sound good while getting loud.
mark, since your here could you give me a rough estimate for a box for some idmaxs'? mdf, black carpet, port the same color. maybe birch baffles. ported low to get the most from them, looking for a really nice sql system, listen to all rap/r&b. for either 2 or 4 12"s.