It'll be one sub, probably with a 400-500 rms amp. Suggestions between the two? I've narrowed it down to these because they're available locally. I know there's better, but we wanna buy new and local. It's for my brother's first system, he listens to everything from rap to punk so he needs a good balance of sq and spl. I've got 2 12" type r's and know they're decent, but I've heard nothing but good about the cvrs in comparison.
ya brett,I sent my cvr 12s back,never hooked them up after hearing my buddies in his car.go with the type r's.12s will be very nice.I got a coworker who has 2 10s and 500wts on each,they bang!!
With 400-500 watts, the CVR will provide more output, and will be more friendly to a wide variety of boxes. If you are getting a custom box from someone who knows how to properly handle a type R *cough* *cough*, the type R is a good way to go since it will get near the output of the CVR, while providing better sound quality.
Subtract my testing and backing (under much scrutiny) of the type R, you can subtract it from the online community... and this thread would look very different right now
While the R is a great woofer and works in alot of systems... the CVR is just plain ole more effeciant, and will do more with 500 watts.
Okay, it'll most likely be 500-600wrms I guess, but I'm gathering that the type r is definately they way to go, especially if we're going for any kind of sq.