Yo se bien que estoy afuera, pero el dia que yo me muera, se que tendras que llorar, "Llorar y llorar, Llorar y llorar" diras que no me quisiste, pero vas a estar muy triste, y asi te vas a quedar.......
im betting you're going to need to call a VW dealership. All you need is the vin number from the your car (or car the radio came out of) and a code from the back of the radio iirc. Some dealers will try and ask for money, tell them your owners manual says it's a free service provided by the dealership.
If they still won't do it for free, call another dealer.
tell them it says its free and you aren't going to pay for them to simply give you a code. try another dealership as well (what the heck, try a few, it's only a phone call and they can give you the code over the phone)