I've got a 4000watt Lanzer Vibe286 and its hooked up to 2 12" audiobaun flaming Q's... as soon as I turn on my amp on one of the fuses in my amp blows and I dont know why I even replaced the 35amp fuses with 40amp... The amp is bridged and is wired to the subs like this now i do understand that my amp is a piece of crap and im buying a new one right now but until that gets here i would like to get this amp fixed so any help would be nice.
Not a good idea to up a fuse because that could have caused more damage inside the amp. Melt stuff, burn up stuff, etc. It was designed with that size fuse for a reason. Definetly get a new amp, because of the ^"piece of crap" your Lanzar amp is, and if there is a problem with the Lanzar amp, I probably would unhook it for good because it could damage the subs as well.
make sure no wires are crossed. Power cant toutch neg, even the smallest thread of wire. Unhook speaker wires and se if problem persists to check if speaker wiring or wire problem. Try that for now, don't feel like typing all this again right now.