I'll keep this as short as possible, I want to buy a 15" Fi SSD, but need wire help with wiring and box plans.
Wiring My amp is a A8002v, so I will be running it at 1x800 with a dual 2 sub bridged. Any help with wiring would be grand.
Box Im not positive yet on this, so feel free to recomend me otherwise (I listen to mostly rap, if it makes a dif on how low you recomend me to tune) but... Im thinking 3.5 Cuft @ 32hz so if anybody could help me out here, with some plans of diagrams, or even links to some, I would love you.
VC1+ to VC2- VC1- to amp, VC2+ to amp That will give you a 4ohm load to the amp...bridge the amp.
I would try 3.5cuft tuned 35hz...thats me though. You would get nice low-end and the box would not have to be as large as a 3.5cuft tuned to 32hz (port will be shorter when tuning to 35hz).
I have a 97 Blazer, so I have lots of room, but I also have to carry a goalie hockey bag back there, my current 35x15x15 sealed is ok,but I don't want to go too much bigger... like I said, I want low, but not too low bass since I listen mostly to rap, but the least space taken up teh better.
Thanks and more oponions, a diagram for the the wiring would be nice too, im a picture person .
i would get a better amp to start with... mono block FTW it will make HUGE difference, and im not positive on this but that amp would only do like 400rms bridged right?