haha im just kidding (BTL). anyways to the point. if i had two 12" fi btl's the orion 2500 D could power both efficently with a 240 amp HO alternator right? and if i got the dual 1 ohm option they both will hook up to the amp, no crossovers or anything? im new with hooking up subs to a mono amp (going to buy sometime soon)also whats this cooling option and universal options you can add when you buy them off fiaudio?
if you are gonna power 2 btl's with that amp, i'd get dual 2ohm subs and wire them down to .5ohm to the amp.
also you can use the crossover function on the amp. you gotta cross the subs low cause it sounds sloppy when you play high frequencies on those sub. keep it below 70hz and you got yourself a nice pair of subs that sounds loud and good.
Cooling options = better effientcy at higher power levels.. the more heat that is generated decreases the effiency, amd i think it allows the subs to handle more power for longer.. If your VC gets to hot it could burn the sub out.. so cooling is always a good option. But i wouldnt worry about cooling if you are giving the sub its RECOMMENDED RMS if you want to give it anything more, then cooling would be a good choice to add