Speakers; Size and Impedence?


Silver Member
Username: Pitbullguy

Chicago, Illinois I Eats Beats...

Post Number: 633
Registered: Oct-06
Based on the advice of people on and off of this forum, i think i'm going to ditch my 99 Jeep Grand Cherokees "premium" sound system entirely. That system, according to crutchfield.com has 6x9's in front and 6.75's in back...

Would i have a problem fitting 2 pair of Infinity Reference 6.5's in front and back??

Also, would this amp match up well to run these speakers?
http://www.hifisoundconnection.com/Shop/Control/Product/fp/vpid/1422517/vpcsid/0 /SFV/30046

Other parts of system will include a Pioneer Premier 680mp head unit, 2 12" Arsenals ported, and an EDnine.1 amp.

Thanks in advance.

Silver Member
Username: Pitbullguy

Chicago, Illinois I Eats Beats...

Post Number: 634
Registered: Oct-06
:-( did i ask a stupid question or something? If so please explain why so i can learn!! KNOWLEDGE IS POWER and i'm power hungry.

Gold Member
Username: Adddisorder

West palm, Florida

Post Number: 3020
Registered: Jan-06
well fisrt off are you set on rear fill? http://www.wickedcases.com/caraudio/rearfill.html

and whats your budget for speakers?

also i highly sugguest you made some baffels from MDF to cover your speaker holes so you can use 6.5 drivers.

and personally id never buy any infinity speakers iv heard the kappas and then refs and they both lack midbass and just dont sound great. plus the refs tweet sucks. but if your still looking for cheap components alpine type Rs are decent. i used some for a while and they arnt bad. they sound a little muddy but youll get that sound from pretty much any poly cone. also they are power hungery so id run them with 100-150rms (i used 125)

another cheap but excellent set are rainbow slc265s 6spdcoupe on ca.com will hook you up

Silver Member
Username: Pitbullguy

Chicago, Illinois I Eats Beats...

Post Number: 636
Registered: Oct-06
i'm not opposed to leaving the back empty at all i guess...maybe i'll just use the extra money to get some beastly 6x9's for up front. What would you reccommend if i said my budget was $250 for the speaks and an amp for em?

Gold Member
Username: Nyyfan13


Post Number: 3266
Registered: Jul-06
no rear fill FTW...

Gold Member
Username: Adddisorder

West palm, Florida

Post Number: 3022
Registered: Jan-06
well for 250 id say get the rainbow slc 265s

Gold Member
Username: Adddisorder

West palm, Florida

Post Number: 3023
Registered: Jan-06

Silver Member
Username: Pitbullguy

Chicago, Illinois I Eats Beats...

Post Number: 637
Registered: Oct-06
wow, i read that entire article i think without blinking. no rear fill FTMFGDPOSW!!!!!

Silver Member
Username: Nd4spd18

Post Number: 253
Registered: Jul-06
I would go with what mat dope said and get an adapter plate to use a 6.5" speaker in your 6x9 opening. Round speakers just sound better.

Also, components will have better SQ than coaxials, so I would get them unless you don't want to mount the tweeter seperate.

And you will only need a 2 channel amp if your not running rear speakers.

Silver Member
Username: Pitbullguy

Chicago, Illinois I Eats Beats...

Post Number: 638
Registered: Oct-06
yeah mounting the tweeters would be a problem, I read on crutchfield that the factory tweeters mounted in my jeep are not the same size as ANY aftermarket tweeters...

Gold Member
Username: Adddisorder

West palm, Florida

Post Number: 3027
Registered: Jan-06
you dont want to mount them in the factory spot anyway. mount the tweets next to the mid woofer some where.

Silver Member
Username: Pitbullguy

Chicago, Illinois I Eats Beats...

Post Number: 641
Registered: Oct-06
how complicated is it to mount them?

what kind of tools would i need?

Gold Member
Username: Adddisorder

West palm, Florida

Post Number: 3031
Registered: Jan-06
its easy. really depending on how your door is and stuff you might be able to just cut a small hole in the door pannel next to the woofer and slip the tweet in there so it faces tward the center dome light. and then you might have to kinda glue them in place or something.

Gold Member
Username: Johnfiac

IL Afghanistan,...

Post Number: 1253
Registered: Mar-06
"KNOWLEDGE IS POWER and i'm power hungry" Amps are power!!!!!!!! knowledge is nothing!!!! ;)


And ditching every piece of stock system....best thing you can do :-D i might have some stock wire in my car but thats about it...i cant stand to hear a stock system no more..sounds like trash after getting used to all after market setups :-)

Silver Member
Username: Nd4spd18

Post Number: 254
Registered: Jul-06
^^^^ True That

Silver Member
Username: Pitbullguy

Chicago, Illinois I Eats Beats...

Post Number: 643
Registered: Oct-06
Whachy'all think about these two sets of components for the front? Which one would ya choose? Is there better for the money?



Gold Member
Username: Adddisorder

West palm, Florida

Post Number: 3039
Registered: Jan-06
no and no. im telling you go to caraudio.com and pm 6spdcoupe he will hook you up with some rainbow slc 265s hes a dealer. you could probly get them for 200-250 they are very hard to beat especaially for the moeny

Silver Member
Username: Pitbullguy

Chicago, Illinois I Eats Beats...

Post Number: 644
Registered: Oct-06
blah, that's more than i wanna spend. specially since i gotta spend more than that to power them.

Silver Member
Username: Nd4spd18

Post Number: 264
Registered: Jul-06
No to the kickers.

But I think the JL's would be ok...

Silver Member
Username: Pitbullguy

Chicago, Illinois I Eats Beats...

Post Number: 645
Registered: Oct-06
what would be better than "ok" off this list if i stretched to say....$150 or so.

http://www.onlinecarstereo.com/CarAudio/ProductList.aspx?CategoryID=16&AttrID=1& AttrValue=6.5&RowIndex=8&PageNum=0&SortField=1&SortOrder=0&ShowAll=True&

p.s. i'ma go lift weights now, be back in about 45 minutes.

Silver Member
Username: Nd4spd18

Post Number: 266
Registered: Jul-06
Well I haven't heard a lot of component speakers so I will let someone else answer that... But a lot of people seem to like JL components.

Gold Member
Username: Adddisorder

West palm, Florida

Post Number: 3044
Registered: Jan-06
probly some dimonds

and the only JL speaks iv heard anything good about are the ZR line iv heard the others arnt worth getting.

Silver Member
Username: Pitbullguy

Chicago, Illinois I Eats Beats...

Post Number: 648
Registered: Oct-06
Would these components...

...work well with this amp?
http://www.hifisoundconnection.com/Shop/Control/Product/fp/vpid/2599031/vpcsid/0 /SFV/30046/order/asc/order_by/title

Gold Member
Username: Matt12490

California USA

Post Number: 1639
Registered: May-05
$150 for decent components is pretty cheap, dont expect anything better than decent. really tho its true

Gold Member
Username: Adddisorder

West palm, Florida

Post Number: 3052
Registered: Jan-06
yeah that doesnt look bad

Silver Member
Username: Pitbullguy

Chicago, Illinois I Eats Beats...

Post Number: 656
Registered: Oct-06
some of the people on this forum make me feel like i just can't win with my budget :-(
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