i took my 2 jl audio subs out of the box and looked at the back of them it says jl audio W0-8, i want to know if that 8 means its a 8 ohm or not please help.thanks
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i have one more question the 2 jls are in one box,the box is seperated down the middle,i have a sony xplod 1000w amp and i dont know if i should drill a hole through the box to run the wires in parallel to make it hit harder or just leave it how it is and bridge it i really dont know what to do.
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can anyone help me out here.the amp i have is stable to bridge at 4 ohms,the subs i have i think there 8 ohm,i know when you bridge 2 subs that are 4 ohm the amp reads 2 ohm, so when i bridge my 2 8 ohm subs will the amp read 4 ohms,and if it does can my amp handle it
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does a two channel amp mean that there is 4 pos. and 4 neg.or how is that figured out please sombody anybody help me out.
1. yes marcus your subs are 8 ohm 2.&3.if you bridge them they will deffinitly hit harder.however, you do not need to drill through your box. just simply connect both positives to the positive side of your amp in bridge mode. likewise with the negatives. 4.no, there are two stereo channels 2 pos. 2 neg.and only 2 input channels.