My Kicker ZX350.4 is pushing 4 kappas at 90 watts each at 2 does 60x4 at 4 ohms....I found a good deal on another 350.4 and I was wondering, could i run my current 4 kappas off the original amp, and then run just 2 high powered speaks off the new 4 channel......I was thinking like can it push like 120 watt rms x2 at 4 ohm....i couldnt find it anywhere thanks
Ok , first of all, this all seems possible, but its a lil unclear to me, High powered woofers, or sub >? What are we talkin bout here ? According to the power, Im assuming comps or coax ?
sry about that....well...we are talking speakers...i currently have 4 coax kappas running off a Kicker ZX350.4 and I have found a great deal on another one and was just thinking. If i relocated my front coaxials to the rear (4 total coaxials in the rear) and picked up some high powered component systems (mid, tweet, xover) and put them up front....could i run ONE PAIR of high powered comps through the Kicker 350.4 (Yea haha i know it'd be easier to get the 350.2) or would i just end up only pushin the 60 watts to 2 channels, and have 2 unused channels..
Your components would need to be 4 ohms, but yes you can bridge the 350.4 to run them. They'll have to be pretty powerful speakers though. The 350.4 is rated at 175x2 bridged at 4, and I would bet it's closer to 200x2.