I have been debating on how i want to design this box for these 2 9515's and to get as much room possible without sacrificing both rear seats in my blazer. I will be more then likly building the box in the rise if i do it like this....
I want to basically remove all the moldings and stuff from the sides in the rear and the jack and stuff and basically build the box flush with the top of the rear seat and it would cover the complete rear, from sheet metal wall to wall so i can get about 8-10cu for the pair but the port is still my doubt, if i do that i cant put the port faceing the rear because it would basically be getting enclosed by the rear hatch being so close.. maybe a inch of clearance from the box to the door. So what i was thinking about is maybe making a wooden rectangle port that is on about a 45 degree andgle that turns into a 180 degree angle... so the the port comes out of the top of the box and then fires towards the front of the ride while the subs fire up. here is a cheap paint.exe of it... basically can you still tune the box correct with it like that and if so...do i need to change any factors... i will still be going with interchangable ports but i want it on the top ..... and not firing up..rather forward or backwards... atleast with the interchangable ports i could fire it front or back with it on the top and angled like that...