ya i figured the numbers were low, cheap amp. but i didnt know anything when i first bought it. what amp would be good to buy for these subs to power them good?? kx1200??
ya that would be a good match...tho recomended power for a cvr is bout 500 watt rms and those kicker amps can push out more than what they are rated,...so im guessin for that 1200.1 u prob get like 1300wrms or more
with a kx 1200.1 and another amp at about 500w plus what you have for speakers, i'd say it's a good chance you might need a ho alt. but why do you want to add a 15" cvr with the 12"'s? i wouldn't, it wont sound to great.
if u get one cvr 15..u would be overpowering by a mile....but if u wanna add a 15 with 2 12's then u would be alright...tho u wouldnt be getting the full juice outta the cvrs...
well, exactly how much underpowering would i be doin if i had all three subs ( 2 12" and 1 15" ) on that amp. also, would there be another amp, thats not to pricy, that would power all three good?
alright....if u want all powerd best...u need atleast 1500 watt rms....that kicker would prob give u around 1300...and if u gonna amp ur highs up that would probably cause some dimming in ur lights
ok, addin the 15 was just an idea. nvm that. i want to power my 12's better, so the kx1200.1 would be good. and where can i get that as cheap as possible. also, im lookin to gettin a new box. i cant build one due to lack of materials and wood workin machines. i was havin alex farris build me one, but that never worked out. do u guys know where i can get a good pre-fab. box for my kickers for a ford explorer? i have also checked into spkrman.com, but i havnt gotta quote back yet. Im sure ur right, but just curious to know why a 15 wouldnt sound good with the 12's?
ya but for that amp...shouldnt he get the dual 4 ohm? or would it be dual 2 ohm? lol im confused at this part right now...if u get a dual 4 ohm sub..then u wire it at 2 ohm correct? but if u get a dual 2 ohm sub..then wiring that would be at 1 ohm? correct? and if im correct...the kicker amp isnt stable at 1 ohm....but if im wrong about the wiring sub part...pllllease correct me coz dat confuses me once a while too lol
kx line is 1ohm stable, so is the sx line. the zx line is 2ohm stable. he said he already has the subs and said thier 4ohm subs (but the only kicker subs that come single vc is the comps) so that must mean he has dual 4ohm cvr's. which means he'll be wiring it to a 1ohm load. and your right about the wiring part you posted, but only for single sub setup, he has a pair.