i talked to my local audio store and they want to install the amp on the top or back of the box. better yet if anything happens to the amp they will replace it. so should i place the sub on top of the box or point it to the back. i'm going ported because i heard a L7 in a sealed than in a ported and it had no comparison the ported box was twice the bass!!! any ideas
I would point the sub the same way as the port but that is MO. a couple people do sub up and port back here. But I defiantly wouldnt suggest the amp ON the box. Make an amp rack
i wouldnt reccommend puting the amp on the box directly...if you do, put an axtra layer of mdf between the amp and box...that shuold help...but i still wouldnt put it on the box personnally...
no makin the box my self and if they install the amp they said they will talke the chance of putting it on the box. i really don't have any other option. plus it's only on sub.