Just thought you might want to see how massive these really are...
I took em out of my car yesterday because my car is up for sale.. Ill probably be using one sub only with a 4.0 or 4.5 cubic foot box tuned to 33hz soon. And I will have a back up
147 point something on 2500w RMS @ 0.5 ohms.. Prolly more than 2500 RMS... maybe like 3200 or so on burps... i measured mine on a burp, but i street beat 140-143 all day long...
oh yeah the box was tuned to 44 hz.... and i had kind of an interchangable port... it went from 44 down to 30 something lol i didnt really tune it out using a program so it was like 30 something... but the 147dBs was a 46 hz tone... the box that it was in??? well lets just say that it was too embarassing to post on there.. lmfao!