hey chad i noticed your post to marc that said "oh no, those arent drywall screws are they?" (it was something like that) anyways, what screws should one use?
well don't use drywall screws to mount your sub. if you don't want to use a t nut and bolts then use some thicker screws. you probably have to lift up the rubber gasket to screw it in cause the holes on the rubber gaskets seem to small for some heavy duty screws.
when i was installing my type Rs long ago, i was using drywall screws. when i was tightening it, it snapped. they aren't tough. you gotta get some screws made out of real metal.
these are t nuts. you hammer them in on the other side and bolt the sub to it. so its nice and tight. use a little glue to hold it in place. oh and you would have to drill a hole completely to use these.
Lol. I know what the were. I was asking if thats the prefered method. But I see it is. The screws I use are the course thread tan pocelain coated deck srews. Not the black drywall type. And I can see if you had a 1000 watt plus sub needing something better. But for nominal set ups.....Hey at least I didnt screw through the plastic mounting ring that suposed to cover the screws, How was that idiot?