I was trying to design a box that will fit into my trunk and externally here are the max dimensions..
For the daily port:
Vb = 6.29 cu.ft Fb = 35 Hz Fill = none No. of Vents = 1 Vent shape = rectangle Vent ends = one flush Hv = 14 in Wv = 4 in Lv = 15 in
SPL Port:
Vb = 6.648 cu.ft Fb = 41.98 Hz Fill = none No. of Vents = 1 Vent shape = rectangle Vent ends = one flush Hv = 14 in Wv = 4 in Lv = 7.75 in
Now the issue is port area.. well the lack of. I would only have 56 square inches of port.. think that would be sufficient enough?
I can do two 6" triangle ports but then the box design itself would be flawed.. the port length would be 20inches long and the port width would be 6inches.. but with two of those it would bump me up to 72 square inches of port.
I thought about 2 6" flares.. but well that is not enough port area either.