ok so u told me bout the SD2.5's... i was plannin on gettin 2 of them but do think one of the HD3 12's would get louder? i emailed DJ and asked him. he is a pretty cool guy. but anyways, what do u think? stick with the 2.5's or go big with 1 HD3??
Audioque SD2.5-ville,
VP of 15 Wan...
Post Number: 796 Registered: Feb-06
Posted on
Yea, 2 SD2.5s will get louder than 1 HD3...don't get me wrong by any means, that 1 HD3 will get loud too. Like Logan said, if space is an issue, than go with one of the HD3's, but if not go with 2 SD2.5s!
thanks logan. i have 96' pontiac grand prix. i think it can handle 2 12's but i want a deep box so i can hit those LOW notes. the ones that rupture ur spleen... lol!
Audioque SD2.5-ville,
VP of 15 Wan...
Post Number: 798 Registered: Feb-06
Posted on
Yea, I can try to get some tomorrow...can't do it tonight, I live in a pretty quiet residential area, don't want anybody to call the cops! lol BTW, I got pulled Saturday riding through the city, No ticket though thank the man upstairs! lol The cop was like, "Man, I've written many noise ordiances for loud music, but yours was so LOW...I could hear you two blocks down! Just don't turn it up around here, have a good night man!" lol Young cops are cool!
nice! lolz. imma join the 15" wanger club! although BOTH of mine are blown! HA! can i still join? ill try to get a pic tomorrow. cant wait to see the vids man! its gonna be kinda like a try b4 u buy type thing for me. ive searched the net for em and cant find any. are u bumpin a 15 AQ or just the 2.5's? oh one more question. does the prices on the AQ site include shipping?
XXX is my dream sub. if i had lotsa dough id have me one right about now. maybe the AQ's will satisfy my hungriness for some brain splattering bass. lolz. 2 bad u didnt sell those AQ's to me!
so the box comes with the subs or he will just send the specs for it and let me build it? it'd be BA if he sent them in a box! im not much on box buildin so i would prolly get a shop to build mine.
very nice trell. i wish i still had my bronco... to bad i had to be a dumb a*$ and flip it.. it would prolly sound way better than this POS car i have now.
i will have mine built or get my dad to build it. he was a carpenter so he can prolly handle it. MAN i cant wait to get the money and have these bad boys shipped over here to T-Hill GA! how long did it take them to ship to u?
Audioque SD2.5-ville,
VP of 15 Wan...
Post Number: 805 Registered: Feb-06
Posted on
I mean, if you got the money just go ahead and order both of them...I had just got payed when I ordered the first one and then I sold my old system the next day so I ordered it the following day after I deposited it in my bank account.
i want something with lots of deep bass but still good sq. i only have room for one sub so should i get a SD2.5 or a SD3? also i have a truck. I was also wondering how many cubic feet my box should be for one sub?
it will be about a FRIGGIN month b4 i can order them. i have a total of 15 smackers in my name right now cuz i had to fix my car. next paycheck aint till next friday so itll be about 3 or 4 more weeks b4 i can order them.
its a chevy s-10 extended cab. i want a ported box with huge amounts of clean bass. i can make my own box i just need to know stuff like cubic feet and port size.
Audioque SD2.5-ville,
VP of 15 Wan...
Post Number: 810 Registered: Feb-06
Posted on
I have a Memphis 16-MCD1000...right now it's temporarily outta order! lol I want to find a Kicker 1200.1 or better yet, an eD nine.1, I want LOGAN's...I really think he should sell it to me by next friday. It's so many different amps that could power these SD2.5s...I hope this starts a nice bandwagon, thanks to the pioneers LOGAN and TRELL! lol
i think the new Fi sub coming out will be closer to the HD3 then the SSD...but i never heard either HD3 or SSD lol so i could b way off on how loud they are