Trying to wire in the remote starter on a Clifford 50.5X to a 1995 Toyota Tacoma pickup. according to here are my wiring assignments in the vehicle:
Constant 12v white - ign. switch Starter black - ign. switch Ign blk/yel - Ign switch Ign 2 blk/red - Ign switch Assorc. blue/red - Ign switch tach brown/black - in multi coil pack
I have the alarm working and need to connect up the remote start but am not sure of the conections. First, do I need to connect Ign and Ign 2 also? Even with the instalation manual, I'm having trouble finding the correct ignition wire. So far it will crank over but will not start. Not sure of the tach wire or the proper ignition power wire. They say the tach wire is in the Multi coil pack, where the heck is that? Any help would be appreciated.