New System


Silver Member
Username: Arande2

400dB could probably d..., 4000 isnt ev... 100,000dB FU...

Post Number: 518
Registered: Dec-06
I've read around on this site and learned that a lot of you know a lot about car audio.

I'm installing a home theater in my home (posted in home theater setup and planning) and wondered if it'd be a good idea to put one in my car too? Maybe at least I should put a nice audio system in there.

Silver Member
Username: Arande2

400dB could probably d..., 4000 isnt ev... 100,000dB FU...

Post Number: 521
Registered: Dec-06
On second thought I don't have much money to play around with. Yeah I'll have to wait a while.

New member
Username: Thecrypt

Post Number: 3
Registered: Dec-06
Andre, I see you have decided to get a car audio system when you can. I also have been thinking about this. Do you have any suggestions?

Silver Member
Username: Arande2

400dB could probably d..., 4000 isnt ev... 100,000dB FU...

Post Number: 524
Registered: Dec-06
Well Jake I'm not very much in the know with car audio, maybe someone else can help you.

Gold Member
Username: Ctmike


Post Number: 2837
Registered: Feb-06
if you need some help post size of subs you want/how many, budget for everything, vehicle you have, if you already have/plan on getting an upgraded charging system, and if your going for sq (sound quality), spl (just loud), or sql (loud but still sounds good).

New member
Username: Thecrypt

Post Number: 4
Registered: Dec-06
Ok, but I'm a slow typer, so let me tell you I'm going to tell you what I'm looking for in the next post I make and all that. Thanks!

New member
Username: Thecrypt

Post Number: 5
Registered: Dec-06
I am looking for a car audio system, but I don't know too much and I'm new to this. I'll just tell you in the next few parts.

The Car
I drive a Ford Expedition '07 that I bought recently as part of my new house since my last house was very small and so was my last car. I would like to, of course, put a car audio/home theater system into the car for trips and everyday activities for the kids and relatives.

The system
What I'm looking for in the system is "SQL" as you call it, which is new for me. I intend to use the system for 80/20 music/movies and would like to have some good stuff since I intend to have this vehicle for a while. I also intend to put some pretty good volume on it.

The Budget
Since I intend to keep this vehicle for a while I want to put a pretty good dose of money towards it for more enjoyment of my time on the road with my family. Towards the actual audio part of the system, I would like to put maybe $9,000 into it. In case there's something a lot better that won't cost too much more, then please recommend that.
For the video end of it, I'm not sure what price I have to pay for a good in-car video system, so just recommend what you think is a good video quality that will last a while. I think we can discuss pricing later.
On the charging system, what exactly is that? If it can affect my "SQL" then since you all know so much about this stuff maybe you can recommend to me what's really good. I don't really know what a really good charging system goes for, but I am pretty sure we can discuss that.
Just ask questions about it if I've forgotten something.

Thank much!!

New member
Username: Thecrypt

Post Number: 6
Registered: Dec-06
I'm very enthusiastic about this. I think this just might be my new hobby! I'd like to learn a lot about audio and video and all that.

Gold Member
Username: Tdbdadrummer

Wellsburg, WV USA

Post Number: 1763
Registered: Aug-05
Wow...with 9 grand you could do some amazing things.

For subwoofers check brands like: Ascendant Audio, RE Audio, Fi, Elemental Designs, Treo, Crystal, Diamond, and Image Dynamics.

All are great and offer high-end SQL drivers :-).

I'm guessing you'd want components as well!

Brands: JL Audio, CDT, Ascendant Audio, RE Audio, Image Dynamics, Focal, MB Quart, Rainbow.

Pretty much any of those brands! Once you've picked subwoofers and speakers, we can help you with amps, and enclosure(s).

If anyone else has ideas, feel free...I think Jonathan used to have names for some really high end components, but I can't remember them off hand.

New member
Username: Thecrypt

Post Number: 7
Registered: Dec-06
Thanks man! I'm going to look into those brands after I do some reading on what I need to look for.
Hey what about a charging system or some video stuff? Well anyway, I'll take a look at speakers and subs.

Thanks again!

Silver Member
Username: Teddy21

Ann Arbor, MI USA

Post Number: 332
Registered: Feb-06
charging system:



upgraded power wire to big 3

(big 3 are the starter, alternator, and battery)

In general if your running alot of electrical stuff that is aftermarket you would want to get a bigger alternator. A "High Output" alternator will produce more amps to supply power to your car.

For example a normal car probably has a 110 amp alternator, when everything is running like the heater, the lights, the radio and everything elses you can think of, the amp is probably producing just enough power to run all that stuff. If you install a high powered audio system and televisions and whatever else, your gonna need some more power, This power can only be made from the ALTERNATOR.

So in a nutshell, a "high output" alternator will give you the power you need to run extra accesories in your SUV.

check out:

-iraggi alternators
(i think they have a store on ebay)

-exessive amperage

They will give you a quote on an alternator if you email them.

New member
Username: Thecrypt

Post Number: 8
Registered: Dec-06
Ok thanks! I'll look into alternators. Right now I'm taking a look at components. I've liked the AA Havoc subwoofer (a bit big though), the RE audio XXX 12", I couldn't find FI, and the Diamond audio D9 12". I chose some smaller subs since I think they'll provide tighter bass and better sound quality. I'd like it if you recommended subwoofers out of those.

On to keep on searching.

Silver Member
Username: Teddy21

Ann Arbor, MI USA

Post Number: 334
Registered: Feb-06
if your looking for good sound quality i personally would choose:

JL audio W6v2


FI audio Q (not too expensive but a great sub);jsessionid=1544ff08512ae42/shopdata/product_overview.shopscript

you will have to copy and paste that


Image Dynamics IDMAX (one of the best for SQ)


RE audio SE

Take a good Look at the FI products, all of thier subs would be a good choice, the company just opened a little while ago and its already got alot of attention. The SSD woofer looks pretty nice in my opinion.

here go here also and you can see the subs in action

Gold Member
Username: Frkkevin

Resonant Engineering..., Fort Worth... Email

Post Number: 2292
Registered: Nov-05
If your looking for SQ... here is a list for you

1. Aura Sound MR 12.4
2. Stereo Integrity Mag
3. Rainbow Vanadium
4. JL W6v2
5. Stereo Integrity BM/Fi Q

New member
Username: Thecrypt

Post Number: 9
Registered: Dec-06
There's so much to look at! I think it'll take a little while to find the right subwoofer. I'm going to keep you posted though.

New member
Username: Thecrypt

Post Number: 10
Registered: Dec-06
Do any of these hand out for movies? I like the Jl Audio, Image Dynamics, Aura Sound, and Stereo Integrity subs. Thanks a lot!

Bronze Member
Username: Thecrypt

Post Number: 11
Registered: Dec-06
I mean "stick out" Sorry

Bronze Member
Username: Thecrypt

Post Number: 13
Registered: Dec-06
I finally decided on the Image Dynamics IDMAX12D4 subwoofer! I don't know how many I should get though for great performance in my vehicle. Any recommendations would be fine. I'm going to look at components now.

Thanks again!

Bronze Member
Username: Thecrypt

Post Number: 15
Registered: Dec-06
There are so many component systems! Can anyone recommend some good ones around $1000 or more? I've decided to increase my audio budget since I can't quite find what I want in a system for $9000. I'll now just go on a basis of if I put together a system and it's more than I would want to spend, instead of making a fixed budget. If that subwoofer isn't a great performer, maybe there's a better one out there, but that one seems pretty solid from all the reviews I've read.

Gold Member
Username: Ctmike


Post Number: 2839
Registered: Feb-06
with that budget i'd look into one of these sets:

or some of these,

or maybe look into a set of cdt's. if you go the cdt route contact alteraudio here, almost always in the speaker section, he's a cdt dealer and he'll cut you a deal.

Gold Member
Username: Alias747

Eclipse Ti, MN

Post Number: 1816
Registered: Apr-05
MMMmm... those components are making me drool! Btw, I think you made a good choice with the IDMAX. I would say to get like 2 or three of them with that budget. You definitely need to post some pics when you get this all installed!

Gold Member
Username: Tdbdadrummer

Wellsburg, WV USA

Post Number: 1765
Registered: Aug-05
The ID subwoofers are supposed to be very nice!

This is Fi's site:

RE is nice, but they're raised prices a LOT, and less money will buy an equal or better product from another retailer.

And with that kind of budget for components would you mind picking me up a pair as well :P lol. J/k.

Bronze Member
Username: Thecrypt

Post Number: 18
Registered: Dec-06
Ok I think I'll stay with those IDMAXes. Now that that's cleared up I think I'll take a closer look at reviews of those components etc.

Thanks a lot guys.

Gold Member
Username: 54danny54

KY More Wang Th...

Post Number: 3161
Registered: Nov-04
lol dont throw the havoc out.
it will get plenty loud and for being a SPL sub, has great sq.
cdt components are very nice, the price tag isnt very big either.
look into alpine, pioneer premier, eclipse for head units.

Bronze Member
Username: Thecrypt

Post Number: 19
Registered: Dec-06
Well, I seem to be leaning toward some IDMAXes and some Focal KP3 Upgraded Version Components.
I intend to put some componenents in the back as well since I'm also going to use this for surround sound as well. Before I make a final decision on those, does anyone have anything to say? I've also been looking at the idea of putting additional sets in for better sound. Will additional drivers (like midbass) improve the sound?

Again, thanks much!

Bronze Member
Username: Thecrypt

Post Number: 20
Registered: Dec-06
Well I've decided on those for now. Maybe you could advise me on other components(like midbass) that might improve the sound.

I don't know much about amps so maybe someone could fill me in on some good amps that will give my system all the power it needs based on the speakers and subs I've chosen(2 sets of Focal KP3 UV and 4 IDMAX12 D4 or D2? subs).

Again, I've heard of bridging, but I don't know much about what is what and what else I could do to improve it.

Thanks a lot for your response and help!

Bronze Member
Username: Thecrypt

Post Number: 21
Registered: Dec-06
Bump, sorry it didn't raise it to the top.

Silver Member
Username: Teddy21

Ann Arbor, MI USA

Post Number: 336
Registered: Feb-06
IDMAX is a great choice!!!

and the Focal components are the best you can probably buy!

for amps you need to match the RMS of the subs to the RMS of the amp (and for the components)

you need to know what ohm the subs will be wired to in the end to determine how much power is going to be comming out of your amp.

these diagrams show you how exactly to wire the subs to get the desired ohms.

---for 4 2ohm dual voice coil subs you can wire to 1 ohm or 4 ohm but this is the 1 ohm diagram


---for 4 2ohm DVC subs you can wire to 2 ohm or 8 ohm but this is the 2 ohm diagram


im not sure what exactly the IDMAX's can handle, power wise, but your probably gonna need like a amp that can produce 2000 watts at 1 or 2 ohms.

there are alot of choices in amps but some of the best companies for good sound are

us amps <--- older amps are great
jl audio <--- great choice
tru amps
arc audio

Get a Class D amp for the subs and a class a/b amp for the components

go here, this lady will tell you all about

Gold Member
Username: Tdbdadrummer

Wellsburg, WV USA

Post Number: 1771
Registered: Aug-05
Yep any of those amps will work great!

Aren't there amps today with excess of 4 channels DESIGNED for surround sound in cars? If so, grab one of those for components (6 channel would be great), 2 front sets, 2 mid sets, and 2 rear sets, and a mono amp for your subs. You'll be set :-).

Now will you be building the enclosure, or buying one? Because there are prefabbed ones you'll want to stay away from, and you'll probably rather have a nice one built by TCAB or one of those higher enclosure companies...

Well that's all I've got for now.

Gold Member
Username: Frkkevin

Resonant Engineering..., Fort Worth... Email

Post Number: 2311
Registered: Nov-05
Actually if hes serious about SQ there are 5.1 systems.. but he'd be fine running an active component setup.. basically an amp for the tweets and a seperate amp for the mids. Don't pass up on a good EQ .. I'd suggest the Audio Control :-)

Bronze Member
Username: Thecrypt

Post Number: 37
Registered: Dec-06
I started another one in the amps thread, but I can safely tell you I've chosen a head unit, amps and a processor that can safely handle 16 channels if I ever get it so I think I'll be fine!

I'm still figuring power requirements.
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