145 or 150 !!!!!wtf!!!!! are u serious do u know how hard it is to get numbers like that? and do u know how big a difference 5db is? what amps do u have? big 3 upgrade? HO alt? car? unless you already have ur big 3 upgraded a HO alt and a real 3000WRMS+ ya might wanna save up some more money.
it takes weeks of tuneing and metering to even get ur full potential and honestly one box isnt gunna do it different cars like different freqs so sometimes it takes a couple, or in my case a few.
i hit 144.86 on a tl with my 12 powered by an orion 25000! but thats not the point here im not saying it aint possible im saying there is alot to it just throwing 300 dollars for the first sub u see isnt gunna get you to 150db! my car was in the shop for weeks getting tuned and metered, and re tuned, and then a new box, wait a minute the first one was better all right lets build a third, then dynamat, then second layer, then take it off it hit harder with only one layer, then extra batts and big 3 upgrade then retuned and re metered wow! impressive score! but it took a lot of work and a couple grand! and i had the hook up free tuneing free metering free shop time!