I have a 2001 dodge ram quad cab.. yaadadada.. I'm installing all new speakers and I need/want to run new wiring(which i have already done) Is it alright just to cut in the wiring harness and crimp the wires together where they are supposed to be?
The Metra kit also had a couple extra wires that my headunit didn't have.. would i need to do anything to them? I'm pretty sure i don't need them.
I appreciate the help.. I got really frustrated tonight trying to do this.
ONe more thing.. Since I'm not using the facotry speaker harness( I left it there in case i need to use it at a later time), Should I crimp the Speaker wires directly to the headunit or the wiring harness adaptor wires?
Sometimes it may seem like a waste of material and/or time, but if you dont, and you get anoying interference and/or whining, then you will probably have wished that you would have wired your own instead.