My subwoofer box is 20inches tall. My amp rack that goes under the subwoofer box raises it up to 25inches tall. At 20inches it sits evenly with the window line. and that extra 5 inches really makes it go up some. Do you guys think I should forget about the amp rack idea and just place the amps behind my 2nd row folding seats? I don't want to enter a comp and have to compete with some major bassheads doing 150-160+ and have them expect me to be near them bc fck that sh!t lmao. although I might install the amps on the side of the box and they can slide out that way but I need a location for my batteries which is another problem. But yeah, amp rack under box, yes/no?
i wouldnt my self just cause that is a good way to get your amp smokin hot.. so if u have the room i would mount it on the back of your box that way u have plenty air getting to it and is alot easier to get to if u need to modify it
yeah I wasn't going to place them on the box and place them on the seats. I would never put them on the box anyways. I plan to put the sub amps on the back on the seats. and have the high amp under one of the seats. Just have to find a way so that thieves won't be able to fold the seat up and get to the amps. know what I mean?