is the sony xplod really a good sub its 12in 1600 watts peak and 500watts rms and i wanna know wen i hooked it up to my home stereo i didnt get that much bass out of it why?
I love sony!! really really good drivers perform spectacular... ^^^ dunno what he's talking a bout there prob top of the line priced cheap...they get insanely loud really really loud...dude get them............................................................................ .....................................
kidding...they'll get decent loud for like 2 1/2 hours and then be dead... sony=Sh1t imo its all ur opinion
ive heard 2 explods and started to laugh. now im not a pro or anything but i can tell whats good and whats bad. i havent heard many subs but this is the worst ive heard.
i bet u 2 12" song xplod 1200watt subs on a mono 1000.1 amp would beat ur sub yanks. but to be honest i would way rather have ur sub way better build quality and more reliable...and the sonys will die fast cheap cheap quality
i dont doubt that. but yea i would much rather have my ssd be not as loud as 2 xplods anyday of the week. i paid 210 for a quality sub that will last me for a while. the sonys i heard where in a pre-fab sealed box that was very small. and i dont think they were getting anywhere near 1000rms total between the 2.
custom made ported would sound better than a pre-fab. give it enough power and it should do the job. it wont get insanely loud but for 100, its not too bad. it wont last very long tho. so i would start looking for a new sub when this sub dies in a couple months