Whats the difference between the 87 and 97 gas? Bronze and Gold r Supreme or Premium what ever they call it the highest level of gas which is about 4 cents per liter more. Does it give u more KM does it end up being worth it?
it'll burn longer and give you extra performance. if its only 4 cents more I'll go for it because usually for me, I use 92 now or w/e it is and it burns longer. I drive a suv and I spend a good 40 a week if I go to school, and I spend a good 20 if I just go to work.
The numbers refer to the Octane levels and yes there is a difference. The higher octane the better quality of the fuel.The higher octane gas burns better, cleans the fuel system, reduces pinging and knocking, and sometimes will also give you more miles per gallon. There also slight horsepower increase but this is more in high performance engines and with use of an octane booster like 104+, which claims an octane level of over 104. This is getting closert to race fuel. Some race fuel are around 110-113 octane. I would not recommend using higher octane fuel when taking vehicle to emmissions testing. Higher octane gas does clean the fuel system but burns dirty and hot and could end up with an emmissions test falure. I would suggest using higher octane fuel every other fill-up. Hope this helped.
thats true Caraudio! if your engine is made for 87 then it will not run any better or more efficient or faster by running super in it. It is a WASTE of your money. My engine requires that I run super so I have to, look in your manual it will tell you what octane rating to run in your car. Unless it is a high horsepower motor most motors run fantastic on 87 octane.
It depends on your compression ratio. It is better gas and will keep your fuel system cleaner if used consistantly because this gas is formulated better.
It will not give you any horsepower gain but is good for yor fuel sytem. It depends on the vehicle, what Year Make Model & Engine size? Any modifications?
i jus wanted to figure out the theory of u getting more K's r Miles out of better formulated gas so to speak. In an already effeicant car i want to see what the difference is.
in that car you will notice no improvement whatsoever going to a higher octane fuel. I hear what sinful is saying about being cleaner, but if your timing is set to ignite a certain way with 878 octane by adding higher octane it is increasing the temp of ingition therfor you are not igniting at the proper time possibly leading to a negative effect on your power. If you want to run a clean fuel system run Lucas Fuel addative I use it every single time I fill up. It is fantastic stuff and gave me 2-3 mi/gal increase while towing and normal driving conditions.
OK, In this vehicle in stock condition you will want to use 87 octane because that is the fuel used in the settings/tunning of the computer. You could use higher level octane fuel if you put in a performance chip/tunning. Some chip/tunning companies will tell you that after the use of their product you should use higher octane gas. This is because their testing and programming of the programmer/chip is done with higher octane fuels and their advertised horsepower gains/results are achieved with it as well. Otherwise stick to 87 and a fuel system cleaner once every year. Your vehicle could act in many different ways when a higher octane fuel is used. Some examples would be: "Check Engine" ligt could come on or car could run different. I would like to add that over the years the quality of gas has gone down and has caused problems with vehicles. Old Cars that were less efficient last longer than new cars in my experiences. I feel that this is because of quality, not just in gas, but it is a big factor seeing as your fuel system runs from the back to the front of your car and includes your engine and computer. I say computer because the computer has the ability to change things, such as: take fuel away and add fuel or change the idle. The computer actually constantly changes the engine setting from running "rich" to "lean" and back to "rich" and then "lean" back and forth depending on how it is performing. The higher octane could mess with these changes or cause some that should be avoided. Oh and yes, it has been said to get better milage frome higher octane fuels, but it is very minor and you wouldn't be able to see it in number uless you go to .000. The big things that effect milage is weight and up-keep of your vehicle. Change oil consistantly every 3000 miles and keep filter clean and don't use air condidtioning. Also the extra weight, like bowling balls or big stereo systemsLL that weigh alot, and the size and weight of your "lead" or "heavy" foot will effect yor gas milage more than the increase of octane fuel. "Shell" on the other hand claims that their "V-POWER" fuel will give you more miles per gallon but this is also a very small ammout. Hope this helps.
James Longo is correct and a timming error could cause "detination" leading to the demise of your engine. The computer could react differently and could change the timming to try to correct this. He is also correct about which fuel sytem treatment to use because Lucas producs are the best.
Higher octane fuel is more commonly used in carburated engines that don't need computers to function. The big factor with octane is the compression ratio. This is the biggest deciding factor in the choice of octane level.
yup use what your car reccomends. but you can put regular in a car that takes super. if its direct injected. because the computer will account for it and change the timing or something like that. but you will have a loss in HP and MPG.
and lucas fuel cleaner is the sh1t i use it once a month to keep everything clean