Slot ports VS. Round ports


Silver Member
Username: Nd4spd18

Post Number: 145
Registered: Jul-06
What's the difference other than one is square and the other is round? Is one better than the other and why?

It just seems like everyone uses slot ports these days.

Silver Member
Username: Nd4spd18

Post Number: 150
Registered: Jul-06
Bump, come on I know there are some expierenced box builders on this forum...

Silver Member
Username: Sinful_systems70

Post Number: 185
Registered: Nov-06
I don't think its the shape, its the size and placement.(but I'm not sure) I have also seen triangle ports. I would wait for mat dope or chauncy or bassman3 to answer, they always have great info.

Gold Member
Username: Bestmankind

Fi AudioBTL

Post Number: 8120
Registered: Oct-05
i am not sure exactly what the difference in performance will be but i know that the round ports have less displacement than the slot port. if you can build a box big enough to accomodate the slot ports, i'd do that. in my case i need as much cu ft out of my box as possible so i am using aeros.

Platinum Member
Username: Rovin

1 12 Premier...

Post Number: 10155
Registered: Jul-05
not displacement ^^^ but port area

u r limited by circle port area since it comes premade where as a slot or rectangular u make it according to what u need it to be

both basically does the same tuning but port area is what really separates them ....

Silver Member
Username: Sinful_systems70

Post Number: 192
Registered: Nov-06
Sorry, I forgot Chad Lee & Rovin! There are others I just can't think of them.

Silver Member
Username: Sinful_systems70

Post Number: 193
Registered: Nov-06
Rovin, What size box do you have for your premier? Ported? Slot? Just curious. How does it sound? What are you running it with?

Gold Member
Username: Drivingreckless

DD 9515f, USA

Post Number: 2556
Registered: Apr-06
ppl Also beleive thier is a ~.5 db gain in using round ports and they also sound better imho

Platinum Member
Username: Rovin

1 12 Premier...

Post Number: 10157
Registered: Jul-05
sinful systems inc.: cool name lol

check out the 3cuft box i have my premier in

i totally busted the ecoustics myth of that sub being strickly spl when in fact has decent sq in it as well . Currently powering my dual 2ohms sub with a power acoustik A 2100D rated 2 2100wrms @ 1ohm but prolly does 1400/1500 4 the most - sub takes it quite good

overall : really decent sub 4 ppl who r on a limited budget....

Platinum Member
Username: Rovin

1 12 Premier...

Post Number: 10158
Registered: Jul-05
hey i just noticed u got the same sub like me - get a bigger box (slot ported) & a oxygen tank cause ur gonna have trouble breathing .......

Gold Member
Username: Juliob

Santo DomingoDominican Re...

Post Number: 3760
Registered: Dec-05
rovin i got the ts 306DVCs already. They came in a small prefab sealed box, i mean very small they barely fit. I think that's why they're sounding bad, like they can't produce more bass. I'll change that eventually with a 4cu.ft slot ported box.

Platinum Member
Username: Rovin

1 12 Premier...

Post Number: 10159
Registered: Jul-05
Juliob - even though pio rec 1.65cuft & 2cuft max : these actaully need 2.5 after displacement ,if u can fit 2.5 even better but shoot for 2.25cuft

also these subs sound like poo when new but after breaking in its like a completely different sub .......

New member
Username: Bjfish11

Garden Plain, KS USA

Post Number: 7
Registered: Dec-06
Differce between them is that for one, a sound port or precision port is easier to install. Plus the fact that you can remove it, adjust your tuning and put it back in the box. Obviously you cant do this with a slot port thats built into the box.
As said above, a round port will have less displacement than a slot port because of the fact that the "walls" of the port are thinner.
So if you have 2 boxes, both are EXACTLY 2.5 NET cubic feet, and 32 Hz, and 50 square inches of port area; the box with the precision ports will be slightly smaller on an overall scale.

Gold Member
Username: Safe_cracker

Chicago, IL US

Post Number: 2194
Registered: Jan-06
BTW round ports due to there shape inherently covers a wider range of frequencies. So a box with round ports will play a wider range of music than a square, kinda weird isn't it. Polo :-)

Silver Member
Username: Oglejust


Post Number: 546
Registered: Aug-06
if u put round ports on the outside of ur box u can change the tune by cutting or adding to them. you cant do that w/ slot ports.. well unless u make them interchangable.. but id b easier to just get round aeros.:-)
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