PolyFill??? quick q's


Silver Member
Username: Winterfreshpimp

Chisago, MN America

Post Number: 432
Registered: Mar-06
What is it, what does it do? is it a good alternitive to airspace? where can i get it?

a couple Q's lol

Gold Member
Username: Alias747

Eclipse Ti, MN

Post Number: 1714
Registered: Apr-05
Polyfill is just plain pillow stuffing. If you put it in your box it can make the box seem bigger than it is to the sub. I think it works good. And you can get it just about anywhere like walmart it will cost you a couple bucks. Only use 1 lb. of polyfill per cuft of airspace.

Silver Member
Username: Winterfreshpimp

Chisago, MN America

Post Number: 433
Registered: Mar-06
aight, thanx. anyother opinions?

Gold Member
Username: Safe_cracker

Chicago, IL US

Post Number: 2123
Registered: Jan-06
What opinions, what Isaac said is what it is. Polyfil slows the travel os air/soundwaves within an enclosure tricking the sub to thiking it is in a larger enclosure. It also breaks up standing waves which helps to internally dampen the enclosure. Polyfil is mostly used in sealed enclosures but has also been used in ported which is not recommended. The use of polyfil in a ported enclosure may impeed the ports performance so if you need dampening use thin fiberglass matting stapled to the walls of inside of the enclosure if you need a bigger enclsoure, build one. In sealed enclsoures it works nicely and can help a cheap box sound good. Polo.. :-)

Gold Member
Username: Basshead86


Post Number: 9394
Registered: Aug-05
just build your box to specs...and fuggedaboutit

or build it a little smaller, and stuff that bish.:-)

Bronze Member
Username: Oneracistguy


Post Number: 97
Registered: Sep-06
we got polyfill in the kicker l7 prefab box and it hit 140 so it cant be that bad if we meter it again we will take it out and see what happens

Silver Member
Username: Phuktupbasshead

Phoenix, Arizona United State...

Post Number: 624
Registered: May-05

also, try flipping the sub upside down... it'll eliminate the displacement of the sub thereby creating more usable volume in your box. I just point the box the same direction, but try as many as you can.

Some people say it gets sloppier sounding that way... i don't know if i agree or not... there's definately a difference, but PERSONALLY i think it's a good one... not to mention that the addition of polyfil with an inverted sub really makes the whole thing bump a tad more than you might expect.

try it... on a sealed enclosure.
it's got other "pros" too, but thats another thread.

Silver Member
Username: Winterfreshpimp

Chisago, MN America

Post Number: 434
Registered: Mar-06
yeah just 2- 15"'s dont exactly jump into a grand am trunk when the box it built to manufacturers specs, i only need to replace like .75 cubic feet of airspace per chamber
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