i have a capacitor but the installation guide is stupid and hard too understand. i think its cause it has no pictures... please help. last thing i want is a burning car
Hook + to + and - to -. Expect a spark when you hook the last one up, that spark is what I call a charge spark. Assuming your cap isnt charged already.
Use any 12v light bulb. Connect the neg to neg on battery, connect one end of light bulb to pos on battery and the other on the cap's pos. That should cause the bulb to light up. When the charge is complete, it'll go out. This should take around 3-5 seconds. Very quick and safe with no sparks.
Agreed, I just grabbed an interior light bulb and charged my cap then replaced the bulb. Hey I charged my cab at the fuse, pull the fuse out then stick one of those barrel-type bulbs in place of the fuse, when the bulb goes out immediately slip the fuse in and tighten it down. You may want to wear gloves the bulb gets kinda hot. Polo..
so i tired the light bulb trick, and the metal part of the bulb was melting the wire and burning hole in the metal, i dont think i was doing it right and i'm not interested in setting something on fire from these sparks so i think im just gonna have someone install it for me unless someone else has any ideas...
The sparks are invetable my entire car light up when i put my cap on. Im surprised i didnt blow a fuse or anything my cap terminal still has the black from it then i was so over edge aobut it once i tighted the wires and stuff on using the clamps i electrical taped both terminals so nothing would touch them.
Like Isaac posted, "Use any 12v light bulb. Connect the neg to neg on battery, connect one end of light bulb to pos on battery and the other on the cap's pos. That should cause the bulb to light up. When the charge is complete, it'll go out. This should take around 3-5 seconds. Very quick and safe with no sparks."