Little advice please


New member
Username: Tanmanfosho

Post Number: 2
Registered: Nov-06
whats the best way to keep my stuff safe with out buying a car alarm. my stereo has a detachable faceplat and my amp is hidden but my subs are out in the open and easy to see...any ideas?

Gold Member
Username: Dustin3

Tigard, OR U.S.

Post Number: 4418
Registered: Oct-05
eh. get an alarm and get an alarm. its the best way. or you can get a light that blink and run it in the car to "try" to fool the burguler

New member
Username: Tanmanfosho

Post Number: 4
Registered: Nov-06
yeah i cant afford an alarm right now. idk. i dont live in too bad of a neighborhood so... i was thinkin botu gettign darker tint in my back windows so u cant see back there as well...u think thatd help? ive got a blazer so u cant really hide it

Silver Member
Username: J_baby15


Post Number: 987
Registered: Feb-06
use odd screws(star ones, square ones, etc.) bolt the box down to the frame...not guaranteed, but itll atleast make it more difficult. Thieves wont wnat to spend too much time in one vehicle, too risky.

New member
Username: Tanmanfosho

Post Number: 5
Registered: Nov-06
alright what bout the tint u think that'll help at all or just a waste of money

Silver Member
Username: J_baby15


Post Number: 988
Registered: Feb-06
prolly. If they cant jus walk by and see it, then they may not know its there. Also, dont bump near ur house or show it off around where u park often. People see ya bumpin then park in front of ur house, they'll kno where they can find ur car and get ur stuff.

New member
Username: Tanmanfosho

Post Number: 6
Registered: Nov-06
and beatin in the school parkign lot wouldnt be the best idea would it

Gold Member
Username: Dustin3

Tigard, OR U.S.

Post Number: 4422
Registered: Oct-05
nah. definently not. bumpin anywhere besides the street when ur drivin isnt a good idea.

Gold Member
Username: Safe_cracker

Chicago, IL US

Post Number: 2113
Registered: Jan-06
If you do accidentally play it around your house do a zigzag through the adjacent blocks then park. Polo..

New member
Username: Tanmanfosho

Post Number: 8
Registered: Nov-06
alright thanks

Bronze Member
Username: Tanmanfosho

C Bang, Hardcore Iowa USA

Post Number: 15
Registered: Nov-06
any other suggestions...

Bronze Member
Username: Tanmanfosho

C Bang, Hardcore Iowa USA

Post Number: 16
Registered: Nov-06

Silver Member
Username: I_likes_da_bass

Bentonville, AR USA

Post Number: 208
Registered: Jun-06
You can get a cargo cover relatively cheap on ebay then your speaks won't be seen and there won't be any problem with a change in the sound.

Just for an example NVOY_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ40017QQihZ011QQitemZ320055725452QQrdZ1QQsspagena meZWDVW

Gold Member
Username: Bernymac


Post Number: 1295
Registered: Sep-04
make your cargo area like a jail cell with bars so they can't get to it

Gold Member
Username: Tjmutlow

Post Number: 3326
Registered: Sep-05
screw your box down from the inside of the box, then put subs in it, nothing is fool proff, and if they really want it they are going to get it, regardless if you have an alarm or not.

Gold Member
Username: Basshead86


Post Number: 9355
Registered: Aug-05
lock the doors when you get out lol

Gold Member
Username: James1115

Use a simple...

Post Number: 7724
Registered: Dec-04
agreed with TY thats a very good idea, another one is not to use standard screw's like I believe Logan said, hex nuts are good. Every thief has a phillips head screw driver in there car.

Silver Member
Username: Andrew571

Stillwater/Edmond, Oklahoma USA

Post Number: 338
Registered: Oct-05
L-bracket ur box down, then drop a drop of solder onto the heads - build a platform for ur box to sit about 5ish inches above the floor and mount ur ampo on the floor underneath the box, that prevents the amp from being removed unless the box has been removed (solder keeping it there)

keeping the sub from being removed... i havent fdigured out a crafty way yet, i think im going to do somethiong like a bar that crosses over the sub or soemthing along those lines.
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