Silver Member Username: Holt_champHtown, MI Post Number: 323 Registered: Oct-06 | does anyone know where i can get cheap dynamat for my trunk. i dont feel like tearin my car up right now cuz its about 30 degrees so i just want a little for my trunk so it doesnt rattle. how much do you think i would need?? |
Gold Member Username: Dustin3Tigard, OR U.S. Post Number: 4387 Registered: Oct-05 | you wont find "cheap" dynamat anywhere... there are ther SD out there that work pretty well also. check out second skin damplifier (my fav) and of course edead v1se |
Silver Member Username: Bump05We Stay Fly, 18 SX USA Post Number: 357 Registered: Aug-06 | how big is your trunk? and i think any audio store sells it...its not real expenisve just search on google ;) |
Silver Member Username: Sinful_systems70Post Number: 148 Registered: Nov-06 | Edead from Elemental Designs (ED) isn't bad because you can order exact amount and not a packaged ammount. Also is a little cheaper and works great.![]() |
Silver Member Username: Holt_champHtown, MI Post Number: 326 Registered: Oct-06 | its a grand am so its isnt huge but i need it on the sides and the top of the trunk too. |
Gold Member Username: Dustin3Tigard, OR U.S. Post Number: 4391 Registered: Oct-05 | the top pof the trunk? are you referring to the trunk lid? or the roof? i would get around 25 sq ft and see how that does for ya ![]() |
Silver Member Username: Holt_champHtown, MI Post Number: 327 Registered: Oct-06 | yea that and like around where the stock speakers are. so pretty much i want the whole trunk done. and mybe my doors too. |
Gold Member Username: Dustin3Tigard, OR U.S. Post Number: 4398 Registered: Oct-05 | then i would get around 50-75 sq ft |
Silver Member Username: Holt_champHtown, MI Post Number: 330 Registered: Oct-06 | ok thanks |
Silver Member Username: Sinful_systems70Post Number: 153 Registered: Nov-06 | Go to here and check this out. I have the cheapest version and it works great! |
Gold Member Username: DelsolePost Number: 1128 Registered: Feb-05 | this guy has a chart thing that might help you make a good choice. |
Silver Member Username: Ars88Post Number: 105 Registered: Nov-06 | hey sinful did u try out their subs? there is a 18" sub that i am interested in but dnt know how its gonna b maybe u can gimme some input and yea go for the edead its same as dynamat but cheaper and its like a $1 per sq ft ^^ |
New member Username: Hondaracer1Post Number: 1 Registered: Dec-06 | edead looks like tinfoil !! i would go with FatMat. it's about the same price and isnt so plain it has labels and works great or if you have aim SN toddatfatmat. they helped me out and my system sounds so good now |
Silver Member Username: Sinful_systems70Post Number: 154 Registered: Nov-06 | Yea Check out the vid where they put the edead in an oven and bake it! Yes, their subs are great. The Ov.2's are incredible for Sound Quality. I have had two 16 Ov.2's in a 2.5 cu ft. per sub ported enclosure (subs up and ports back) run by a Crossfire VR1000D. Sounded GREAT! I would reccamend. I am waiting for the Av.2 series. There are vids on their website as well as in the ED section of the videos on realm of excursion. I would definately go with them and that 18 will kick some @$$! Kv.2 series are ok but go with O or A series. |
New member Username: Hondaracer1Post Number: 6 Registered: Dec-06 | why would you want to bake your sound deadner ? |
Silver Member Username: Sinful_systems70Post Number: 155 Registered: Nov-06 | A honda is made out of tinfoil. This edead is not at all tinfiol, it is actually quite heavy. My trunk lid used to pop all the way open and the edead has now weghed it down too much so I am going to have to mess with it some more. Fat mat just is fatter (and heavier)and does the exact same thing and if it is cheaper it is because of that fact. It is actually a nucence when installing yourself. Edead is very easy to install because of the thinness of the material. Edead is also capable of withstanding more heat. Edead is better than fat mat in my opinion. |
New member Username: Hondaracer1Post Number: 8 Registered: Dec-06 | if edead is thiner wouldnt it let more sound out ? and i had no problem instaling mine ? |
Silver Member Username: Sinful_systems70Post Number: 156 Registered: Nov-06 | To show how it can withstand heat! DUHHH!!! WOW Shows you why he suggested Fat Mat. L![]() |
New member Username: Hondaracer1Post Number: 9 Registered: Dec-06 | I have FatMat installed in my car and i never have had a problem with it ! you are just an employe of e-dead trying to sell your product u would say anything on here to sell your product weither it was true or not ! |
Silver Member Username: Sinful_systems70Post Number: 157 Registered: Nov-06 | The thickness is not the only defining factor for sound dampening. The thickness actuall doesn't matter that much, its how well it can stop vibrations not how much space it takes up. I have used all types of sound dampening and in all thicknesses and I have found that for the evryday person that the edead is the best value. |
Silver Member Username: Ars88Post Number: 107 Registered: Nov-06 | lol thx for that sin so that 18 should kill my l7 then right? im thinking about powering that 18 (Elemental Designs 19Ov.2 Subwoofer) with a hifonics amp prob around 1000 watts if not hifonics i can get really really big discount on lanzar stuff if i get a really top end lanzar amp do u think it will take care of the sub? my gues is the amp will prob be pushing out about 1500watts (ifu wanna c amp this is model # of one of the ones that i am looking at HTG2600D) waiting for reply thx |
Silver Member Username: Sinful_systems70Post Number: 158 Registered: Nov-06 | I am in no way shape or form an employee of ED (or any Audio company) and I just gave my opinion based on past experiences with these products. Fat Mat is Fat Crap and I think you should try edead before you hate on it. ![]() ![]() |
New member Username: Hondaracer1Post Number: 10 Registered: Dec-06 | Sinful Systems Inc. Silver Member Username: Sinful_systems70 Post Number: 153 Go to here and check this out. I have the cheapest version and it works great! Yeah really sounds like you arent an employee !! |
Silver Member Username: Ars88Post Number: 108 Registered: Nov-06 | ayy honda ...ur missing half the post u dummy..when he says go there and check it out he means the website hes just tryin to give his opinion on ed and he is absolutely correct...edead is excellent product for the price plz dnt hate ![]() |
Silver Member Username: Sinful_systems70Post Number: 159 Registered: Nov-06 | Hey arslan, I couldn't tell you if it will beat an L7 because it depends on size (of L7), box, placement and vehicle. It will definetly sound good thats for sure. It will have better SQ than the L7 in my opinion. Hifonics amps are rated at 14.5 volts and are about 70 to 80 percent efficient so a 1000 watt hifonics amp will be actualy around 700 to 800 watts and that is still at 14.5 volts. Your factory alt and electrical system will not be enough to sustain 14.5 volts during high volumes so a HO alt and Big 3 upgrage should be done because there is a wattage loss from a voltage drop so that 1000 watt amp is probably only going to give you about 300 to 600 actual RMS watts, depending on the amount of voltage drop during high volumes of play. Definetly going to need electrical system upgrade for hifonics to perform to the specs you read. Hifonics are good quality and I have had no past experience with lanzar so I can't help you there. I currenlty have two Hifonics BX1500D's and they shown no signs of quitting but are killing my factory alt. |
Bronze Member Username: Hondaracer1Post Number: 11 Registered: Dec-06 | im not hateing this company has been accused of spaming ang going online and posing as ppl who are just trying to sell you the edead product ... honestly i have never tried it but i have tried FatMat and it works i never hated on the performance of edead b/c i never used it but i have seen it and it looks like tinfoil. |
Silver Member Username: Holt_champHtown, MI Post Number: 331 Registered: Oct-06 | this is way off topic but does anyone konw how to do the flip flop trunk. i think thats waht it is called, where the trunk is on hinges and it kind like fold open?? its pretty cool so if anyone know how to do it could you please help me. |
Bronze Member Username: Hondaracer1Post Number: 13 Registered: Dec-06 | yeah you can buy a kit for that off ebay it sells for like $20 |
Silver Member Username: Holt_champHtown, MI Post Number: 334 Registered: Oct-06 | does it work tho?? |
Silver Member Username: Sinful_systems70Post Number: 160 Registered: Nov-06 | phillp - Take trunk lid off car for easiest application of sound dampening but make sure to mark it wherever you can to keep factory allignment when you put it back on.![]() Thanks arslan!!!!!!! ![]() handa' suck... I mean honda racer - Youve seen a picture over the internet you mean. Because obviously you haven't seen it in person because that "tinfiol" would Knock you out if I slaped you across the face with it. L ![]() |
Silver Member Username: Ars88Post Number: 109 Registered: Nov-06 | ya phillip it works it is pretty cool too big custom improvement for cheap (not sure bout price) thx for opinion sin |
Silver Member Username: Sinful_systems70Post Number: 161 Registered: Nov-06 | Sorry phillp, I thought you wanted to apply sound dampening to that style trunk. Keep in mind the factory allignment when you change the hinge style. I have seen this fabricated but never seen a kit and sounds like it could be an easier way of doing it. |
Gold Member Username: BernymacCambodian Post Number: 1277 Registered: Sep-04 | Honda Quiet.. Anyways, go with edeadv1se^2, they improved their sound deadener with butyl and it withstands heat better. From looking at the sound deadener showoff, fatmat didn't do to well as far was heat was concerned. So go with edead and make sure you use the forum discount to get it for 1.28 per sqft. |
New member Username: Cavyfan21US Post Number: 4 Registered: Dec-06 | it's not about the heat yes it does serve a factor but what about when instaled in a car whitch sounds better ??? im not saying Fatmat is the best but i deff looks much better and works great for the buck !! |