I got a Jenson VM9510. I've hooked up some cd players before and just looking over the instructions quick i dont see much of a problem with this. The only thing i have a question about is the RCA outputs.They are labled #12 in the diagram. Do you only use these to go to higher-powered speakers? If i am hooking it up to stock or basic speakers can i just use the normal wires and leave the outputs capped? What are they for essentially? I also have subs with an amp i will install later when i get a newer car. Will i need them then or are they only for front and rear speakers? Thanks alot for anyone who can help me.
The rca outputs is is you have an amplifier running your speakers. But if you don't have an amplifier hook up your speakers to the dvd player and they'll get power that way. Is that what you were asking?
Yea i think. I dont use an amp for my speakers, they are stock. So i would just use the other speaker wires. If i had an amp then i would run the RCA outputs to the amp. Then, wires from the amp to speakers? Or would i just conneck #'s 8 - 11 to the speakers still? Sorry if i'm confusing you. Your post helped alot though