Finally heard my 15 Q


Silver Member
Username: Andrew571

Stillwater/Edmond, Oklahoma USA

Post Number: 315
Registered: Oct-05
Anyone know of a good place to get hearing aids for the future? haha, here's a review teaser

No really ill have a detailed discription later on when its broken in and have my final set up done (WITH PICS and VIDS!! lol)...then ill give a review on the 18" Q as well

So the 15...
car: nissan pathfinder (SUV)
box: 3.5 Cu Ft Box tuned @ 32Hz (sub up port back)
power: RF T10001BD @ 1578 Watts
charging: 200amp

the SQ is incredible, hits so smoothly and hard. The lows are what gets you, it takes you by suprise when a low note hits...almost scaring you... Lil Jon's throw it up...when the main bass note first hits it wants to take ur breath away. LOUD LOWS - emphasize on whoa lol. Songs such as Da Blow hit really crisp, the fast punchy bass sounds great with the consistent mind pounding lows throughout the song - my rearview mirror is useless now lol. The Excursion is beautiful and it's accented by the moving of everything in the car.

One thing i noticed was with the low notes being so loud, the high end wasnt as impressive as the lows - however still great considering the 32 Hz tune.

A thing i want to point out about the amp is - wow... that thing is beast - you can feel the 1500+ watts, standing outside the vehicle ur clothes move.

The 200 amp alt keeps everything flowing like a champ, sitten above 14 volts consistently

Overall, I was very impressed - we'll see what i can do different with box/ sub facing with the 18" to make the Q even better.}

So thats a little teaser, i myself have only heard it for about an hour messing with it total, ill give a good one later over the 15" and then in a couple weeks ill tell you guys about thew 18" even tho its gunna be similar just louder lol

Silver Member
Username: Mvplefty12

Pinellas, FLA America

Post Number: 340
Registered: Mar-06
soft... lol jk manG

If I were you I wouldn't have taken time to write that review, that was 10 minutes you could've been out riding around breaking it in! Good "teaser" non the less lol.


Silver Member
Username: Bump05

18Sx, UsA USA

Post Number: 348
Registered: Aug-06
tune it to 27-28 hz u will feel lows :-) i might make a new box for my sx... i love lows and i love 18's and i not even throwing near as much power to it and it hits hard! i cant wait till i get my charging system and throw 1600-1800 rms on it lol ba ba ba boom!

Gold Member
Username: Dustin3

Tigard, OR U.S.

Post Number: 4365
Registered: Oct-05
yea, the Q 12 that i heard was in 29 hz, and the sq was very very nice!

Gold Member
Username: Stnorris

Davenport, IA US

Post Number: 1842
Registered: Apr-06 much port area are you running?

Silver Member
Username: Livin_loud

18 of Love Fi Audio

Post Number: 701
Registered: Jan-06
Sounds good Just makes me want to get my sub in worse!

And you chose an 18" huh? nice

Silver Member
Username: Andrew571

Stillwater/Edmond, Oklahoma USA

Post Number: 319
Registered: Oct-05
~ 50 sq inches

Gold Member
Username: Basshead86


Post Number: 9322
Registered: Aug-05
nice review.:-)

one of the best i have read on this site.:-)
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