What is better?


Silver Member
Username: Holt_champ

Htown, MI

Post Number: 312
Registered: Oct-06
is it better to tune a box high or low. what would get "louder"?

Gold Member
Username: James1115


Post Number: 7521
Registered: Dec-04
higher gets louder but there are a lot of other factors that play a role. res freq of your car, test tone's,ect....

Silver Member
Username: Tdawg30

Ohio USA

Post Number: 710
Registered: Jun-06
higher tuned gets louder but lower tuned sounds much better. you get more of the notes out of a lower tuned box like 32 as apposed to say 40 or more is like an spl box.

Gold Member
Username: Redliner

Wilmington, Ma

Post Number: 3320
Registered: Jun-05
"higher tuned gets louder but lower tuned sounds much better"

not in every case cause theres a reason that dd recommends to put them in a 40 hz box because they sound amzaing there so it isnt true that it sounds better lower. Most subs wouls be fine at 40 you prob woulndt even notice that much of a diffrence but they do get lower obv the lower you tune. but doesnt mean they sound better its how you perseve it

Gold Member
Username: James1115


Post Number: 7522
Registered: Dec-04
well a lot of it depends on the FS of the sub, if it has a high fs then it demands a higher tune and visa versa.

Gold Member
Username: Basshead86


Post Number: 9278
Registered: Aug-05
i posted in your OTHER thread....double poster....

Gold Member
Username: James1115


Post Number: 7525
Registered: Dec-04
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