yo, no one looked at my other thread. i have some leftover MDF from another project, and i want to start building my Q box. does anyone have a desire to think up a cool box to fit in my accord trunk? im just starting to grasp subs, but the boxes are still kinda hazy for me. what is the difference in sound from a box tuned to 28Hz or one at 33Hz?
i clocked in some specs on RE's box designer and i was wondering if thats what i should build. it is 3.6 cu ft and is tuned to 32.8 hz. will this do the trick? its 34W X 17H X 15.875D with a 2.75 port width and 7 inch port length. should i change this at all?
ok i changed it a little, now its about 32.3 or something. thanks for the tip man.
another question: does that calculator factor in the space that the sub takes once installed? do i have to worry about that, or will the tuning and all be about the same once the sub is in?